1: She's Not The Ruler-Of-All-That-Is Evil Anymore?

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Author's Note:

This idea has spun in my brain since "Bring The Pain," GA-S2-E5.

Enjoy this spin-off fanfiction, and let's reminisce about how awesome those scenes were.

Especially the one where Cristina and Izzie were like "that does not look comfortable," and Meredith was like "it's not," and this is taking that inherent curiosity to a whole new level.

See you soon!


Nasty Naughty Not-Nurses Four

"We're doing a re-enactment of 'Nasty Naughty Nurses' Four,' but there's only three of us so we were wondering if you, Addison No-Longer-Shepherd, wanted to join us and be our fourth 'nurse'...?" Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, and Meredith Grey blurt out all at once at Addison Forbes Montgomery.

F/F. MerAdd. meddison. Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery. Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery/Cristina Yang/Izzie Stevens. Foursome. Twosomes. Eventual happy relationships. Rated M.

Chapter 1: She's Not The Ruler-Of-All-That-Is Evil Anymore?

"We're doing a re-enactment of 'Nasty Naughty Nurses' Four,' but there's only three of us so we were wondering if you, Addison No-Longer-Shepherd, wanted to join us and be our fourth 'nurse'...?" Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, and Meredith Grey blurt out all at once at Addison Forbes Montgomery.

She's not Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd anymore, because she just got a divorce from the other Dr. Derek Shepherd and they call her just Dr. Montgomery to seduce her even more just based on that fact.

"Um, I'm not a nurse, you know that, right?" Addison Montgomery squeaks at the three of them.

"Neither are we. It's a re-enactment. We call it 'Dirty Doctors Do It Together,' Cristina Yang explains expertly.

"Why does that need to have four people then?" Addison asks rather dumbly because she's trying really hard not to show that she's actually considering this.

"We want to have the full-on foursome experience," Izzie Stevens adds. "And we're all sick of men," Izzie adds quickly.

"Well, I agree with you on that one. I did just leave my ex-husband," Addison says as she twirls around the engagement and wedding rings around her finger that she still hasn't figured out how to take off.

"Don't you think it would be the best kind of symbolism for me to help you out with that?" Meredith Grey finally offers, raising her eyebrows and pointing with her right hand to Addison's left hand and offering much more with her darkened eyes than just removing her divorce rings.

"You know, I always was a believer in good juju," Addison says as she starts nodding despite herself at the trio of them.

Three female first-year interns are looking at her lustfully now and she's an attending and Addison Montgomery thinks that maybe they're too young for her or that she's too old for this but the way they're all staring at her, hungrily, now she feels more desirable than she's felt in decades.

"Alrighty, well, I don't know what the plan is but I'm gathering it's some sort of foursome? Erm, I guess I must be out of my mind but I am in the mood lately and you three are lovely and I am actually agreeing with this... So wherever and/or whenever this re-enactment of yours-ours- is all going to be happening, Ah, just let me know," Addison says as she curses herself for fumbling nervously.

Addison realizes she's agreeing to simultaneous sex with three students of hers- (well, she's hardly a role-model teacher right now- but she just lost her McDreamy and they're all calling her McHot instead of a slut or a whore or Satan or even worse, so Addison really can't help the way she's biting her lip right now), as she stares between all of them with equal fervor.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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