Chapter One- Coming To New York (Edited, Not Really)

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The first thing I hate about my town, is the name. Like, wtf? Darren? Seriously? Of all the names they could have given this town, they chose Darren. I'll even forget the fact that it's a plain ass name to give a town. Like, since Darren means edge in whatever language it comes from, couldn't just name Darren something like Edgewood? The person who named this town must've been so dumb

Another thing I hate about this little ass town called Darren is its people. We're exactly one thousand two hundred and twenty six in Darren. And seventy percent of that population consisted of the high school students. So yeah, everybody knows everybody's business. This town is full of gossips and hipocrites. Although, to be fair and honest, I wouldn't give a fuck if the constant subject of gossip wasn't me. Although, I get it. I mean, "everything is boring asf here and since we don't have better things to do, let's all just talk about the poor orphan who's never had a stable home in her life". Although, I know I'm not exactly a peace maker, but it kinds hurts when everywhere I go in this town, people look at me with only one thing in their eyes. Pity.

Pity for the girl they all think is never gonna make it past this town, never make it past high school. And I hate it. I'm on a mission to prove them all wrong. That's why I survived two more hours in the hell hole called school for my high school graduation with the one and only friend I've ever had. Sad, I know. But I don't really give a damn. People are way too toxic anyway.

"So, what are your plans right now?" My best friend, Aubrey, asks as we get into the white 2004 toyota corolla she inherited from her gramps after he died. May the good lord rest his soul.

"Is that a rhetorical question? Get the hell out of Darren of course" I say, laughing as we get into the car.

"No, Diamond. Everybody knows of your plan to get out of this town as soon as you can." She's right. Everyone in this town knows of my dream of getting out of this town and my love for New York city. Although, most of them just think I'm bluffing most of the time. Well, I got the cash and destination address, I don't need people's belief to get the hell out of here.

"I meant tonight. What are your plans to celebrate?" she says and I fall silent

"Oh" I say, looking down at my cheap manicures. "Well, I had a bucket of ice cream and Netflix on my mind" I say and Aubrey sighs as she starts driving

"Dee. Why won't you celebrate tonight? Do you know how pumped you've always been about this day? What's wrong, babe?" I look down, swallowing.

"Today is my dad's death anniversary" I say in a hushed tone. For a while, I think she doesn't hear me cos she doesn't say anything and then she pulls over and turns to look at me, pain evident in her eyes

"Oh my God, Dee. I can't believe I forgot. I'm sorry" she says, holding my right hand in hers and I give her a tight smile.

"Oh, come on. It's not your shit to worry about" I say, laughing a little to lift the mood

"Diamond." she says in a whiny tone and I can't help but smile "Your shit is my shit to worry about and my shit is also yours to worry about. We're best friends" she says and I smile

"I love you" I say, reaching over to hug her.

"I love you more" she says, patting my back

We finally let go of each other and an awkward laugh escapes her lips

"So, about that date you've got with ice cream and Netflix, how about we make it a double date?"


"No. Miracle in cell number seven is what I want to watch" Aubrey says and I can only gape at her

"Who the hell wants to watch a movie that'll make them cry buckets of tears right after their high-school graduation?" Honestly, even though we've been friends since we were toddlers, Aubrey keeps surprising me almost everyday

Coming To New York (On Hold Till February 10, 2021)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang