Chapter 11: Hunted

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On the run. Shylin and Jack boarded Jack's new ship, The Marksmen, a Corellian YT-2400. It was old but still a good ship. "Shylin, get on the guns! I'll pilot!" TIE Fighters whizzed past at lightning speeds. "I'm gonna angle the deflector shields, Shylin!" "I'm picking up TIEs at point 2-3!" yelled Shylin. Jack wasn't a pilot but he wasn't against trying to fly, he was just nervous. Jack flew in an upwards motion as Shylin fired the main cannon. "Got a TIE locked in, I'm going to buy you sometime to make the jump to hyperspace". "Plotting the coordinates". "Hurry!"
"Making the!" A blue and white spiral lit up the cockpit, Jack turned the ship to autopilot and took a rest.

"Hey! Jack!" Shylin exclaimed. "Wha-what?" "We're here". Jack walked to the cockpit, Tatooine was in range. A planet untouched by the Empire, it was perfect. They landed far beyond the Dune Sea and set up camp. "Be weary of the Sand People". Jack has heard rumors about the Sand People from Anakin but he never thought anything of them.

Night settled in on Tatooine, it was a lot cooler than when Jack and Shylin landed. "The Empire will find us, you know", Jack said. "I know. But they'll have a hard time finding us on this backwater planet". They could hear Banthas in the distance, the cheering of Sand People along with them. "Be on your guard, Padawan. Sand People travel in numbers, much like battle droids". "Good, I'll take them on, with your guidance". The Sand People got closer and closer. "Get ready", Shylin whispered. The crunch of sand and pebbles was getting closer to Jack, he ignited his yellow blade, illuminating the darkness with a bright hue of a sun. He slashed away at the Sand People, Shylin using Force Speed to dodge and weave between the garrison of Sand People. Only one left, the leader. Jack reached out with the Force, choking him. "JACK NO!" He was filled with anger from being lied to over the years, his purpose in the galaxy was to destroy the Jedi Knights, now he was one and the power was too great for him, he wanted to leave a mark on the galaxy. "JACK STOP, YOU'RE GOING TOO CLOSE TO THE DARK SIDE, REMEMBER WHAT I SAID, ITS OK TO FEEL THESE EMOTIONS BUT DON'T ACT ON THEM OR YOU WILL FALL TO THE DARK SIDE!" Shylin was right, Jack let go of the Tusken. "I'm...sorry, Master", Jack teared up. The Tusken leader fled, promising to never comeback.

The next day, Jack and Shylin made their way to Mos Eisley Cantina. "Be careful, there's a lot of scum here, Padawan and maybe Imperial spies, hide the saber". Jack has built a compartment under his sleeve to hold his lightsaber, he wore a jacket so the bump from the saber couldn't be seen. "One Merenzane Gold and one Vashean Rye". She handed the bartender a lump of credits. "How can you afford Merenzane Gold?" asked Jack. "I come from a rich family on Coruscant". It had been a while since Jack had an alcoholic drink, he hadn't had one since he got back to Coruscant after Ringo Vinda at the Clone Bar.

One drink was all they could have. They sat down and waited for food. Shylin got Bantha steak and Jack got Deep-Fried Nuna Legs. "Do you think there's any Imperial spies here?", Jack asked. "Oh most likely, that's why we need not to draw attention to ourselves", Shylin whispered. Little did they know, Obi-Wan Kenobi was watching them closely from across the cantina. Shylin sensed him. She used the Force to communicate with him, "come, Master, this clone isn't going to turn you in".

Obi-Wan approached, Jack nearly choked on his Nuna Leg. "General!", he whispered excitedly. "Hello there, Jack. What brings you to this cantina and planet? Hunting Jedi?", Kenobi asked. "N-no, sir, I am actually a Jedi, ask Shylin". Obi-Wan turned to Shylin, "is what Jack said true? Is he a Jedi? It's impossible, Jango Fett wasn't Force sensitive". "Yes, it is Master Kenobi, he is indeed a Jedi". "Hmm", Kenobi said, stroking his beard, "come and follow me to my hut".

They arrived at Kenobi's hut, "why did you bring us here, General?" "Please don't call me that anymore, I'm not your General, Jack. I am a man in hiding because of Order 66 and the Sith. By that scar on your head, you took out your inhibitor chip taken out I see? When? After you shot me off the rock on Utapau?" Jack sighed, "sir, with all do respect I was programmed and I am very sorry for my actions. Surely we can move past that and get to the point on why we are here". Kenobi smiled, "you're just like Anakin, hasty. Yes, we are here to test you". Kenobi had Jack move four boulders with the Force, Jack did it. Kenobi was stunned. "You really are a Jedi, you need to leave this planet immediately or you'll be caught, I over heard an Imperial spy talking about a clone in the cantina and how the Empire just had a clone defect". Shylin and Jack told Kenobi goodbye and boarded The Marksman. Jack was thankful that he didn't kill Kenobi and that Kenobi forgave him.

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