Chapter 10: The Jedi

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A few months pass and the Jedi has opened Jack's mind to the Force. She told him to not be afraid of the dark side, both the light and dark are in all living beings. "The Force surrounds us and penetrates us and binds the Galaxy together" she said. "I'm sorry but, in the few months I've been with you, you haven't told me your name". "My name is Shylin, I was born on Coruscant, the first Force sensitive for a generation in my family. The last Force sensitive was my great great grandfather, who's name I don't remember". Jack admired Shylin but was also falling in love with her. He wasn't sure if she felt the same way but he wasn't going to risk anything.

They trained in secret on the planet Jakku, a desert planets with some Imperial presence. Shylin had given Jack her fallen Masters lightsaber. Jack ignited the saber, it was a light yellow. They practiced lightsaber forms from Form One through Form VII. Jack excelled in Ataru, a very aggressive form. "The last Jedi to perfect Ataru was Anakin Skywalker, sadly, he perished at the attack on the Jedi Temple". Jack sighed, "General Skywalker was a great General". "Yes, he was, Jack. He may have been an unorthodox Jedi but he got results". Jack wiped the tear from his eye and got back to training.

The next day, they practiced Force powers. Jack struggled here. He never had power help him in battle before. He struggled to pick up the littlest rock. "I can't do this! I've never had power help me before!" "Jack, calm down. Concentrate on the moment, feel don't think, use your instincts". Jack took in a deep breathe. He closed his eyes, exhaled and focused on the rock, he could feel it wiggling. He opened his eyes and the rock was floating in air. He was beyond ecstatic. "Jack, your training is going very well. I'm proud to call you my Padawan". Jack was glowing with happiness, he hadn't felt a rush like this since he passed training on Kamino.

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