Chapter 4 (Guns, Girls, Battleship)

Start from the beginning

Himeko couldn't help but sigh at what Kiana had done. But the mission could not stop there.

The drone flew above the sky trying to reach the unidentified ship, but some of the Honkai beasts went for Kiana.  The drone did evasive maneuvers around the city.

Radical level honkai beast.  This honkai beast has the ability to fly because of the two wings on its side. Using these two wings the honkai beast can charge up with high-speed vibrations to make a radical attack. It's fast but weak.

Kiana is known for her usage of double pistols, in the art of GunKata. A combo of martial arts and guns. Kiana's suit the "White Comet" fully enhances Kiana's battle prowess.

The White Comet is the 3rd generation of Valkyria armor designed as "Universal-All-Area-Combat-Armor". 

Only Valkyries with grade B and above can use it. Equipped with a jet propeller, military goggles, and multiple enhanced arms. A basic armor suitable for most types of combat.

Kiana made short work of the Honkai beast around the Drone. but I'm her moment of carelessness she damaged the drones AI.

Now the droned headed straight to one of the skyscrapers in the city. The good thing is that the building has been evacuated the bad thing is that now the zombies woke up.

In this world, Zombies are not like normal zombies in any other medium. Honkai energy transforms people into a strong version of themselves. Able to leap distances, able to destroy anything in their path, be it walls of concrete or metal.

But they are still zombies. Only attracted to sound, or anything close to them. With their nature being corrupted by the honkai energy the honkai beasts seem to disregard the zombies.

Now Kiana is facing a group of zombies and honkai on the now ruined skyscraper.

Reloading her guns Kiana jumped into the fray. All the while staying in contact with himeko

"Himeko.... the aircraft was destroyed..."

Himeko knowing what happened on Kiana's end  Himeko couldn't help but groan in frustration. "save the explanation for later. I'll prepare a new drone to come to pick you up" 

 On the higher floors, the skyscraper caved in from the explosion of the drone. It then leaned on the neighboring skyscraper. Kiana was forced to jump to the other side whilst battling, honkai, and zombies. 

(in-game the zombies are wielding scythes, two swords, and sometimes bow and arrow? can someone explain to me how that came to be? - author)

"soukai city is in the brink of destruction," Himeko said "for all the 30 million people here it is up to us to stop that ship from crashing" 

Himeko gave an encouraging speech to the battle center

"the battle machine is ready to keep moving forward," Himeko said to Kiana

"aye-aye" Finishing up Kiana saw the oncoming drone from the distance. she jumped to the back and the drone continued to fly towards the mysterious ship.


off in the distance, Kiana saw a shining light-headed her way. A honkai Emperor appeared in front of Kiana.

The Strongest of low-level Honkai beast is known as "Honkai Emperor". 

A gigantic body levitating on the air

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A gigantic body levitating on the air. this honkai beast is known for its use of its floating wings as knives for attack and defense.  For a trainee valkyrie facing a Emperor honkai beast is equivalent to death.

For Kiana, this is a challenge, and another day to bring out the might of the "white comet"

"NEKO!!! CHARM!!" Kiana dashed in front of the Emperor

With those words Kiana battle suit buzz to activity, the thrusters on the back revved up as the back engine released honkai energy boosting the combat ability of the armor. A small shockwave of energy came forth from Kiana forcing the Emperor to stagger.

This is the burst system of the "white comet".  The activating button of this system is located on the V-shaped crystal on the neck, and it can also be unlocked by a preset voice command.

"KIANA?" Himeko asked 

"Himeko, ill take this big bugger down first. I'll give you a full report later" 

"skip it!.. you're close enough to the targeted battleship"

"you're going down!" now in full power, Kiana attacked. Hands or paws appeared with every attack greatly weakening the honkai beast. 

Nearing death the honkai beast roared, calling some radical beast. At that juncture, the Emperor escaped. 

"tch," Kiana looked at the now small dot that was once the honkai beast.

Kiana didn't think that these beasts had a sense of preservation. still, this was a surprise for her. Not taking it to mind the path was finally clear.

"ive sent that honkai beast packing! The Selene is in sight" 

'The Selene... what a poetic name for a battleship. But the ship will spawn a Honkai Armageddon if it crashes'

She could see the floating battleship. Jumping off from the drone Kiana saw that the place she landed was crawling with zombies and honkai beasts.

"Round two!" Kiana smirked as she once again made mincemeat of the zombies and honkai around her.

"Kiana! Report!" Himeko said authoritatively

"I'm on deck, everything going smoothly Himeko" Kiana answered back

"For the last time address me as Major!" Himeko angrily retorted 

"30minute, we got 30 minutes before this battleship crashes straight to the city. We need to seize the helm fo the ship, we can't let it destroy Soukai city!"

"your teammates are in position, you will rendezvous in a while" 

"MEI! you're talking about mei right! I'll be meeting up with mei right!?" Kiana's eyes seem to have transformed into hearts with the thought of teaming up with Mei in this mission

"calm down girl. why are so obsessed with mei?" Hiemeko count help but sigh at the face of Kiana

Himeko never knew where that obsession of Kiana came from.

"Stay vigilant, we've lost track of the emperor class honkai beast you've fought!"

"pfffft. by the time that idiot comes around, ill be riding this battleship home!" Kiana said proudly puffing her chest

"then go! we don't have much time"


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