AU World 10

300 17 16

mikasa emerges from the washroom and steps into the office after cleaning herself.

"the crowd wasn't expecting you to win any of your fights after being away for so long, but since you did,  the profits from tonight are good."

the raven-haired girl sinks into the couch, looking at the cash that 'angel' stacks neatly on the table.

"not bad at all, mika, $8,000 in a night."

mikasa tsks in annoyance, "not even one-fifth..."

"it takes time, lose your next match and get people to bet against you, then win again and rake in the money." 'angel' strategises. the blonde lights her cigarette and leans back into the couch; she takes a puff as they fall into silence.

"how's the new job?"

"it led me to shooting kenny in the shoulder, what do you think?"

'angel' laughs aloud before she takes a swig of her can of beer. the wall clock hanging on the dirty walls of the office ticking 2:36 in the morning.

mikasa had fought in three fights, winning them with ease against the predictions of the crowd. the name 'red queen' had disappeared from the fights for five months, mikasa leaving the underground scene for a job with better pay as recommended by 'angel'.

but here she is all over again, since fate has a dramatic way of controlling the direction of her days.

"i should be going, you'll safe keep the money right?"

"of course," the blonde chuckles, "i have as big of a grudge against rod reiss as you do."

mikasa grunts in reply as she rises from the couch, 'angel' follows and they both leave the office.


the electronic lock beeping twice echoes loudly through the night. mikasa braces herself as she enters the dark apartment.

levi turns his head her way as she walks into the living room. he rests against the cool leather of the couch, a warm mug of black tea clasp in his hands.

"had a good catch up with your friend?"

"yeah," she nods and walks towards levi's room. as the bedroom door closes softly, the frown returns to the male's face as he recalls the old grungy car that he witnessed dropping mikasa off.

he gets off the couch and heads back out to his original position on the balcony, the night breeze tugging at his loose long sleeve and tousling his hair.

levi sips his tea and sighs; he wonders what the girl had been up to.


thursday comes and goes, with the dating news spreading around paradis high like wild fire. petra and her following continue to cast dirty glares mikasa's way, but were afraid of getting physically involved with the girl after being threatened.

on friday night, mikasa utters a sentence that baffles both erwin and levi, "i'm going to stay with my friend, thank you for your hospitality thus far."

"what do you mean?"

levi swallows his dinner as he waits impatiently for her to reply erwin's query.

"i reconnected with an old friend recently and she has space at her place. as grateful as i am, i can't continue to impose like this."

"are you sure? kenny's still at large and—"

"it's fine," mikasa cuts erwin off.

levi narrows his eyes at her, "i can take care of myself," she continues.

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