AU World 2

502 14 15

a.n i'm aware this chapter is full of grammar inconsistencies so i apologise but i'm honestly too lazy to correct it


armin hummed to himself while heading to the cafeteria for lunch. he could barely contain his excitement for the friday fish and chips.

he picked up his food along with a drink and tomato salad before joining the rest of the gang at the table.

"you guys are missing out on the daily specials," he remarks after seeing that no one else had picked what he had.

"you're the only person i know who goes crazy over the cafeteria specials." eren says with a roll of his eyes.

"because it's good."

the rest of them chuckle.

mikasa approaches with her meal tray, on it a simple sandwich and iced coffee. she sits across from levi, next to eren.

"i won't be able to hang out after school today, sorry guys, i have to cover someone's shift." she states, beginning to munch on her food.

"ah!" eren exclaims as he accidentally spills his soda across the table, some of it dripping onto his pants. mikasa immediately pulls him out of his seat to avoid the spillage and passes some napkins to him.

"oh damn, it's alright then, we'll see you tomorrow." marco says, thinking about how much of a hard worker mikasa is to be able to juggle school, work, and babysitting eren so well.

"do you need me to pick you up from work?" eren offers.

"it's okay, i can catch the last bus." she denies.

aimless chatter fill up their table once again as they decide what game to play later on at connie's place.

the gang has been going to connie's to hang out and play video games since the first day of school. they had bonded surprisingly well given that jean and eren get into fights occasionally.

"i won't be able to join you guys either," levi starts.

the chatter dies down as he speaks, it always does, there was just something about levi that makes people listen to him. as if he was a soldier in his past life, and held a rank that required respect.

"i have an appointment with a...", he trails off for awhile, "friend...and he's meeting me after coming from my hometown so we have lots to catch up on."

"oh, okay. does he want to join us tomorrow for our outing in the city?" connie offers.

"oh no it's fine, he will be leaving tomorrow morning."

the rest of them nod before resuming the discussion on whether jean can do a handstand and make a goal at practice next week.

"reiner did it at practice yesterday! you have to beat him!" eren exclaims while laughing.

"but i—" jean starts, but is cut off by everyone teasing and calling him a coward.

levi turns away from the commotion and his eyes land on mikasa's hands holding her sandwich. mikasa herself was smiling fondly at the ruckus of the group.

the longer he looked, the more levi made out the few scars on her knuckles. as she moved her hands to finish her sandwich, levi's eyes followed and he caught glimpse of a big scar going from under her thumb to halfway across her palm. it was mostly faded so he guessed that it was quite old.

he looked up at the girl only to see that she was staring right at him with expressionless eyes.

he adverted his gaze back to his spaghetti and cleared his throat.

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