Titan World Chapter 4

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That night

Eren's POV

I waited for Mikasa in the training field. Strangely that was our 'spot', the view of the stars were beautiful.

She came over a few minutes later, wearing a simple black shirt and black shorts, the only accessory being the tattered red scarf I gave her when we were nine.

The fact she wears it till this day really makes me all...fuzzy...inside.

She offered me a small smile when she reached where I was standing.

Just as I was preparing to sit down on the dirt she held my forearm.

"Wait, Eren. I know a better spot than this patch of dirt."

I let her pull me to the walls, we were at the stairwell that leads to the top of the wall.

She climbed up and I followed her, all the way up until we stood on the wall.

She snuck around some patrolling officers and I followed her, until we reached a secluded spot.

I tensed when I saw three or four titans in the district between walls Rose and Maria.

However Mikasa paid them no attention as she settled down on the bricks, laying on her back with her arms behind her head.

She let out a small sigh as I copied her movements and laid beside her.

We watched the stars, pointing out constellations that my father told me about, looking at the moon, deciphering oddly shaped clouds...

it was like we were carefree children again

My eyes started closing as I began drifting off.

Mikasa closed her eyes and sighed again.

I was falling asleep, hoping it would be a dreamless night but it didn't happen.
I saw red.


My mother being eaten.

"Stay alive you hear me? I love you..."

I woke up with a jolt, surprising Mikasa as well.

She yawned and rubbed her eyes, "bad dreams already?"

"..haha...yeah..." i couldn't help the slight tremble in my voice.

Shit. Now she thinks I'm some weakling that can't handle a dream. No wonder she feels the urge to protect me, it's like the urge to protect a puppy.

She breathed a laugh and took a breath.

And then she sang:

Between the North, Between the South
Between the East, Between the West.

I'll run after you, wherever you go.
Don't worry, you won't be alone,
I'll be there for you,
I'd cross the seas and fight the dark.

Hold me close and sing our song,
the song I hold so dear, to my heart.

Together we, we roam the world, and we'll be known of our greatness.
We'll be the victors that write history, not the losers who are wiped from it.
Together we, we will, we'll roam this world.

In that wonderful angelic voice she sang our song. This time, I drifted off to sleep.

Without nightmares.

"I love you..."

Scuffing woke me up from my dreamless sleep. Mikasa was standing up now, body on high alert.

my first thought was titans

but it wasn't, she was facing the direction we came from, so it was human that sent Mikasa into this "alert mode"

I looked around but saw no one.


"Someone was here. I swear I could hear them." her eyes set with determination.

"Maybe it was just a patrol guard. Calm down."

"You're right," she murmured.

She laid down again, this time she closed her eyes and said 'goodnight eren'

I looked at her for a little while longer. Studying her face and the scar I made under her right eye.

I cringed at the memory before I faced the stars again. Falling asleep for I think the third time in fifteen minutes.

Levi's POV

She sings really well.

The song lyrics really made my heart pound.

Tch. What am I doing?

I should be getting them into bed, they're my responsibility.

I glared at the sleeping Jaeger while Ackerman sat and watched him.

Then she smiled.

I turned back around so my back was pressed against the wall, I believe my eyes are widened in shock at the fact that she, Mikasa Ackerman, known as one of humanity's most emotionless just smiled.

"I love you..."

This made me actually gasp out loud. I realised my little shock must have risen Mikasa's suspicions. I quietly walked back towards the stairwell and stopped there, looking back at the spot they're in.

I sighed and stepped down the stairs.

What am I feeling? What is this?

Tch. I needed to get my priorities straight. We were at war with the titans and I'm attracted to someone?!

No. I, Levi Ackerman will not mix love with life/work.

I repeated this thought in my head as I descended the stairs and headed back to my quaters.

A/N: I made that song up but I took lyrics from other anime and books here and there. The tune is not set because it's made up..duh...

so you can sing it however you want but that is their song. It's getting harder to portray Levi in love *cries*

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