Titan World Chapter 6

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Mikasa's POV

We began hand-to-hand combat.

Everyone was paired up except me.

Well I guess they don't like their asses being whooped.

Eren had partnered Armin, giving me a apologetic smile.

I shrugged and stood to the side, watching the others as they started fighting.

"Tch is there no one willing to partner you?" Captain Levi asked in his usual cold demanor.

"Nope. Not unless they have a death wish."

"Tch. Don't get cocky, I'll fight you."

I looked at him in surprise. Well this will be a challenge.

I nodded and got into a ready position, arms up and legs apart. He did the same.

We watched each other for a few seconds like deadly predators on prowl. The air was tense as most of the cadets stopped what they were doing to watch us.

Finally, I made the first move. I swung my left fist forward and he dodged. However I anticipated that and used the momentum to kick my right leg out, trying to make him lose balance.

My leg connected with his hip but he didn't fall, he twisted skillfully and punched forward with his right hand.

Once my both feet were on the dirt I bent down, back facing him and swung my left leg out, doing an open-fan kick.

He apparently predicted it as he used his left hand to grab my foot.

I could do something here, but can he handle my weight?

I decided to try my luck and used his hand on my foot as a lift, bringing up my entire body and swinging my other leg towards his face.

He quickly let go and jumped back, successfully dodging my kick which would have left a nice mark on his face.

We both stood in ready position again, not even sweating. The brief, thirty second fight had been a test of each other's strength.

He was capable of more. I'm sure of it.

Levi's POV

She was good.

Not even panting at all. Seems like she wasn't trying her best.

"Is that the best you can do?" I taunted. I wanted to see how far Mikasa can develop. I want to see how good she actually is.

However I didn't expect her to taunt me back.

"Is that the best you can do?"


Looks like I've riled her up a little.

Without warning I sent a kick to her stomach. However her super fast reflexes helped her dodge it. But the momentum was still there and my weight continued to fly forward.

Seeing this as an opening, she quickly sent a kick to my standing leg and I buckled to my knees.

She did a spin and her same leg came towards me again.

Before she could kick me across the face like I did to Eren, I rolled out of the way and grabbed her leg like earlier.

She doesn't even look surprised as she took note of her position.

I was kneeling and grabbing her leg while she stood on the other one, her arms spread out.

She smirked and used my body as a step, cartwheeling over me. (If that was even possible)

She lunged at me once she landed and wasn't expecting me to dodge fast enough. However my short height comes into play as I was able to move over, letting her fall toward the ground.

I used this as a chance and pinned her body down as she turned herself over.

We were both panting now.

Her hair sprawled out like a fan and her dark eyes seemed to be sparkling in excitement. My hair hung over her face, touching her forehead.

We looked into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity.

My heart skipped a beat when she subconsciously licked her lips.

Do I like her? No. I can't be.

I shouldn't.

But why shouldn't I? Is there a rule against it? Even Erwin is asking me to date someone so I would be less lonely.

Mikasa Ackerman. She seemed so like me yet she was so different.

The sound of clapping brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see Jaeger clapping and many others joining in as well.

Finally I got up to my feet and extended a hand to help Mikasa up.

She surprisingly accepted my offer and stood up, brushing the dust off her clothes.

"Alright that's enough show-watching. Get back to training!" I commanded the other cadets.

As I looked up the buildings, I could see shirty glasses smirking at me with Commander Erwin beside her.

I groaned as I thought about them making fun of me during lunch later.

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