AU World 1

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a.n: hey everyone it's been years and i know y'all have been so patient and i'm so so thankful for that. just let me clear some things up before we get into the story; it's been like 3 years since i came back to this book and honestly my way of writing has changed a lot (hopefully for the better) and as y'all know life hits us hard as we grow older and i'm no longer the optimistic teenager i once was so i might have a tendency to write more angst than fluff.

another thing is that uh i have an actual job now and am trying to transition into adult life and turning 21 and whatnot (but still writing a fanfic oh my) and i won't have a lot of time to spend on writing because well, work, but i do want to finish what i've started so that's why i'm here now.

okay anyways let's get into it.

this story will be told in third person pov

lowercase intended
also, swearing intended i tried my best not to have so much of it but it's so easy to see them spitting swear words at each other you know?

eren switches the engine off as mikasa steps out of the car. the both of them began making their way across the school carpark towards the big double doors of the school.

it was junior year for the them and they were three-quarters done with high school life.

"ugh can't believe i dropped to a lower class," eren groans, "mikasa you have to tutor me, otherwise i'm not going to graduate from this shithole."

mikasa breathes a laugh at her childhood friend's complaint.

"maybe if you start paying more attention in class rather than just thinking about your soccer team all the time..." she trails off.

"it was an important season! coach keith was putting all the pressure on me and the rest of the guys were being absolute bas—"

"first day of the school year and you're already cussing, eren?" armin slings his arm around the said boy, chuckling.

the trio made their way down the hall towards their respective locker zones.

"i'll see you in class for math, armin, and i'll see you for lunch, eren." mikasa bids, turning left down the hallway to head for her new locker.

the two boys headed right, eren still complaining about how the soccer team was the cause of his bad grades.

"the worst part is, coach keith says if i can't pull my grades up this semester, he's going to withdraw my title as captain!"

"stop whining like a lil bitch, eren, you're the only one with the low grades so it's your own problem. suck it up, the rest of the team are doing fine." jean says, provoking the dark haired boy.


"it's okay, eren, we'll tutor you, your grades will go up in no time." armin promises, steering eren away from jean and trying to avoid a fist fight on the first day.

the two stopped at their new lockers for the year and began unloading books from their bags.

"shit, whoever used this locker before me drew fucking graffitis all over the back."

armin laughs at his friend, the year was not off to a good start for eren jaeger.

armin pulls open his new locker door and was pretty pleased to see that the interior was clean and dust free, shelving intact and there was even a small mirror stuck to the inside of the door.

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