AU World 4

474 17 5

"slept well?" levi asks as mikasa walks into the kitchen, hair fluffy and eyelids dropping.

she simply nods, sitting on the same barstool she was on last night.

levi had several files open, spread across the kitchen counter, a mug of black tea in his hand.

"breakfast?" he offers.

"what do you have?"

"just search the kitchen and grab whatever you want. coffee and tea are in that drawer." he states, going back to reviewing his documents, a small frown on his face.

mikasa stands up and walks about, settling on making some instant coffee and grabbing an apple to munch on.

"what's that?" she asks.

"kenny's files. thanks to you, we have his final warehouses down. we should be able to apprehend him soon."

mikasa's eyes catches on one of the documents about a hit and run. she skimmed it briefly and realises that the victim was her previous colleague, linda.

"i can help."

"what?" levi baffles at her statement, looking up at the girl as she took another bite of her apple.

"i know where exactly his warehouse at tundor road is, not too sure about the others, but if you need me, i can help with that." she offers, pointing at one of the locations that had been listed.

"it's too dangerous—"

mikasa shoots him a look, "i know what i'm doing and getting myself into. do you want to take him down or not?"

levi hesitates, but judging by her fast reflexes and ability to wield a weapon, he knew that she would be of great help. especially since she says she knows the very building it was in.

"i'll have to get approval from erwin."

"just let me know."

levi stares at the girl who seemed indifferent about being involved in a life threatening situation.


true to his promise, levi sends mikasa to where her apartment was supposed to be.

"i'll walk the rest of the way, thanks." she says, getting off.

"what?" levi had been saying that to her a lot lately.

"isn't this where you live?" he gestures to the apartment building in front of them.

mikasa sighs, "it's where eren thinks i live."

"get on," he says, "i'm not leaving you alone until you're safe in your home."

mikasa rolls her eyes, "it's fine i—"

"i know you can take care of yourself, but it's too soon after the incident. we don't know when kenny is coming for you, and since you did shoot him in the shoulder, he'll probably want to do the same, if not worse, to you."

without a word, she slips the helmet back over her head and gets on levi's bike.

"continue straight down and turn left at the intersection." she directs.

levi revs the engine and follows her directions, soon they were in one of the more deserted parts of town.

"just up here."

the bike stops in front of an old three storey building, the light at the entrance flickering.

"so you walk to that place every morning? to wait for eren to pick you up?"

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