Meet and Greet

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My boys are the first out of the elevator, running to God knows where. When I step out of the elevator, I'm met with 19 pairs of eyes. To the left are 7 young people sitting casually in their seats with 7 older people behind them, but due to the dim lighting, I notice only Carl and Demo amongst them with a smug look from Demo. I narrow my eyes at her and she just shrugs with a laugh. An older man walks up to us and Lily gave him a nod, which makes him go back to the left side of the room. Mrs Cappie and Bobby are in the middle, both smiling at me and 3 very serious looking women in business suits are seated on the right

"Finally, you're here" Demo groans "You took forever babe"

"She's 1 minute late Demo, leave her alone" A girl with bright blue hair and blue eyes sighs. She standing behind Monica with her arms around her waist

"1 minute of my life I'll never get back" Demo sighs

"I'm sorry ma'am" I tease "Next time I'll work around your schedule" I bow


"I know"

"You do that"

"I will"


"Fine" We stare each other down before bursting out laughing "Wow, what can you do?" I ask her. She stands up and blows air out of her mouth. The gust of wind is so strong, I'm almost lifted off my feet "i knew it!" I clap "I knew you were full of hot air!" I laugh, making the others laugh as well

"Yeah yeah" She chuckles "I'll get you for that one" I give her a bow in response

"Welcome Charm" Mrs Cappie greets

"Thanks Mrs Cappie" I smile nervously when I notice all eyes are on me

"Now don't be nervous, this is just so you know who we are and what some of us can do"


"Before I introduce the Supers, I'd like you to meet 3 very important ladies" The business ladies stand up and walk towards me.

The one in front stands about an inch shorter than me and considering I'm 6feet 4inches, that says alot. Her blond hair is in a tight bun and her blue eyes scan me curiously "My name is Dayla McNeill" She extends her hand and I shake it confidently as possible "I will be your boss. Every mission, every action, everything goes through me first"

"Um....okay. Hi ma'am, I guess you know I'm Charm?"

She gives me a sweet smile and nods "Indeed I do"

A woman to her left steps forward with an extended hand. She's quite short, definitely below 6feet. Has brown hair in a loose ponytail, with almost Asian features "I'm Sally, Sally Toms. I'm in charge of your medical well being. You may not see me to often unless you're hurt, I'm ultimately in charge of what needs to be medically done for you, when you come back from missions or if you are even cleared to go on one"

"So I have to kiss your butt?" I joke which makes her chuckle

"You could try" I shake her hand and nod

A woman who clearly takes no shit from nobody steps forward. She's as tall as me and built almost as big. She has short black hair and a scar over her left hazel colored eye. I'm half expecting her to have a stoic Russian accent and speaks in broken English "My name is Olga" Oh my god she is Russian!!  "I'm in charge of training and testing. You hurt because I make you hurt" Ouch, that sounds bad "You don't try....I hurt you more" Can you say cliché? I shake her hand which she almost breaks and let's me go with a scowl

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