Testing time!

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(Charm POV)

I woke up a little worse for wear, the bed was so comfy but yesterday's activities really took its toll on me. Momo stirred beside me as Chubby was flat out, still fast asleep. On his back, legs spread and tongue hanging out "Hey buddy" I smile at Momo "You need to pee?" Straight away, Momo barks and gets off the bed. Chubby stirs and sees me getting up, so he follows. Speedy and Booty woke up from their perches on the bedroom wall and decide to get down "Okay whanau, let me take you boys out for a bathroom break and I'll come back and give you all breakfast" My bladder says otherwise "But first, I need to pee myself"

I do my business and wash my hand, put on some PJ pants and a singlet, considering i sleep in only my boxers, before heading to my front door. I open it to see Monica about to knock "Good morning Charm" She greets me with a smile

"Mornin' hun. Why you here so early?" I ask

"Well I thought, cause of what happened yesterday, you might be to exhausted to take the boys out to potty, I thought I'd take that burden from you"

"That's really sweet hun. I'm a little sore from yesterday but all things considered, I'm not that bad" She looks down kinda sad "But I wouldn't mind the company" I tell her, and she looks up all smiles again

"Good, because Wave went on a mission this morning and it gets lonely without her"

"So I'm a substitute huh? I get it, I'll step in and be your girlfriend if you want" I sigh dramatically

"Shut up, you egg" Monica laughs while hitting my arm "Company yes, girlfriend no"

"Fine. Fine" I smirk "You couldn't handle me anyway"

She giggles and shakes her head "You're so full of yourself woman" We walk side by side towards the elevator. My fur-babies waiting patiently for us to get to them "So you ready for today?" She asks as we enter the elevator

"Fuck no" I laugh "After Kournikova tried to kill me yesterday, I don't think she'll go easy on my today"

"You'll be fine" Monica pats my arm gently "She's tough, but she won't push you to the point of collapsing, that's for tomorrow's class" She laughs making me shake my head

We get to the rooftop gardens and straight away, my boys find their favourite tree and let loose. The early morning sun, shines through the glass roof, warming the amazing gardens just right

"Seriously though, I'm good" I tell her "A little overwhelmed and my anxiety is all over the place, but other then that, I'm good. I love my new apartment and so do my babies. I get to do good in this world, once we know what I'm capable of and I still have some of my old friends as well as new ones"

"I'm glad you're doing okay. If you need help with your anxiety, I'm sure Sally has something for you"

"Thanks. If it gets a bit much, I'll go see her"

"Just a random question...." She starts "Have your fur-babies been to the vets lately?"

"Uh....yeah, they just had their monthly visit and shots. Why?"

"Oh....that's Good. I was actually going to recommend a vet for you"


The Impossible MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora