date night

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It took Thea 1hr and 42 minutes to get ready, it took me 20, but I guess she had to get Cruise ready too, so I didn't mind

Once I was put together, I walked out with a big smile on my face. Thea looked beautiful in her white, off the shoulder dress and matching heels. She even had Cruise in a little white suit which made him look very dapper. I didn't have a white suit, but I did have white dress pants and a nice white button up shirt "You both look amazing" I tell them, smiling even more when they both blush "Ready to go?"

"Ready" Cruise nods, making me chuckle

"Where are we going?" Thea asked as we walked out the door

"While you were both getting ready, I was able to make a reservation at a kid friendly restaurant" I answer "I hope you like Italian?"

"Love it" My girl smiles

When we get to the yellow floor, my car is ready to go "Hello baby" I smirk when I see it. My all black Bugatti La Voiture Noir sits proudly, just waiting to be on the road

"Damn" Thea breathe "Even I can say this is a sexy car"

"Right" Thankfully there was room in the back seat to put a car seat in for Cruise, or I would've changed the car completely

Once Cruise is settled and buckled in, Thea and I got in the car and I start it up. The low rumble of the engine makes me smile as the LED screens light up on the dash and middle console "Damn" Thea gasped, looking around "Remind me to ask for something similar"

I chuckle and nod before driving out of the building "Papa Smurf?"

"Yes bubba?"

"You marry Mummy?" Cruise asked innocently

"One day bub, I promise" I tell him without hesitation

"Cool" He says, then looks out the window

I glance at Thea, and see her smiling to herself. I swear I'll marry her, no matter what I have to do to make it happen. Thea is gonna be my wife, and Cruise is gonna be my son

The restaurant wasn't far, the joys of living in the heart of the city. Pulling into the valet parking, a young guys eyes goes wide as he opens my door "Shit" He gasped, making me chuckle

"Don't scratch it, and we're good" I tell him

"Y-yes ma'am"

"And don't push any buttons" I say "Something might go boom"

"Oh-oh Uh....yes ma'am"

I get Cruise out and watch the guy sit in the driver's seat with a big grin "I think you just made his day" Thea chuckles

"I think so too" Walking into the restaurant, the hostess walks up to us with a big smile

"Hi" She greets "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes ma'am" I smile "It's under 'White' family" Thea looks at me and smiles making me glance at her and do the same

"Got it right here" The lady says while looking at her tablet "Please follow me"

She takes us to a more private area, away from most of the patrons and motions us to sit. A high chair is already by the table, which I'm grateful for, so I place Cruise in it "I a big boy" He pouts "I wanna sit dere" He points to an empty seat next to me

"Oh my boy" I smile "You are a big boy, and big boys sit on their throne"

"Shrone?" He frowned

"Yep. This is a throne" I point to his high chair "And the King must sit in it so others know he is in charge"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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