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(Miss McNeil POV)

I was looking over some paperwork when Maria rushed into my office, she looked panicked and flustered "We have a problem" She rushed out. She placed three manila folders on my desk "My informant at the police station sent me these this morning" I open the first folder and saw photos of a massacre "24 dead, no survivors, all of the victims had been melted by something"

"Where'd this happen?" I ask as I scan each photo

"Yeilding Bank on Gomble street" She responds "Witness recounts vary of who came out of the building. Some say an Asian woman with an older man and a young man, others say a blonde woman with two young men, there was even a report on an African woman with a blonde man. One account says that it was a husband and wife pushing a pram....but....the young man was always the same"

"So a super who can change appearances?" I question

"But that doesn't account for why there were so many different descriptions of the assailants at one time" Mary sighs "What I can only guess, is that it's definitely Supers"

"Any bragging online?"

"None that we know of"

"Money missing?"

"As of now, they don't know, all their attention is on the dead"

I open the next file and see stills from the security cameras "Why is this blurred?"

"We don't know. They have the top of the line Axel security system, these pictures were supposed to be better than HD"

I flip through the photos and see a young man with a cocky grin. Something about him pisses me off "Is this the one who everybody saw?" I point to it

"Yeah, his appearance is the same throughout" She answers "When it's the man and woman, the photos blur, but not with him"

"Velvet?" I call out

'Yes ma'am'

I hold up the photo "I want you too scan every database you have access too and find me this guy. I want a name, an address, and any associates"

'Yes ma'am'

"What do you want to do?" Maria asked me

"We need to bring in Lady Simmer, she'll be able to work out what was used to kill these people. Call a meeting for all Supers"

"Including Charm?" She asked with a worried frown

"I'm not sure we'll be able to do this without her" I sigh "The council is already meeting today, maybe someone there might know of something"

"Are you sure about Charm? Keeping her hidden might be the best thing, especially since she's the Electi"

"The fact that she has more than one power, might be beneficial in keeping the rest of the team safe. We don't know what we're walking into and if we have all our cards at the ready, it might give us a better chance at winning"

"I'll send out the call" Maria says to me before walking out of the room

I open the final folder and it's a detailed report with all the witness statements, then I see a name: Mily Dorne, 2 weeks old. It must've been the baby I saw in the first folder. My anger flares at the thought of someone hurting such an innocent child, but they don't hold for long when my girlfriend walks in with a big grin "What's got you smiling?"

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