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(Charm POV)

Currently in an office, I told Miss McNeil that I was the Electi

She didn't seem surprised

She told me that there were so many clues pointing to the fact, that the idea of me not being the Electi, would've been more surprising

Edith had a lot of questions, question I had no answer for cause I was freaking the fuck out and had no idea what the hell it meant for me

"I'll need to bring together all the heads of the foundation" Miss McNeil stated

"All the heads?" I scowled "Like a council?"

"More-or-less" She sighed "They don't control us, they are just Elder Supers that have a broader knowledge of things that have passed, will pass and could pass"

"Well that's not cryptic" I mumble

"They're just really old with really good memories" She chuckles "Some used to travel the globe looking for answers. It's what my grandmother used to do. Some found what they were looking, others just found more questions"

"That would suck"

"It's how they found out about Electi. Carvings on hidden cave walls described of a great darkness, whilst others describe you as a freeing light"

"So I could be a bad guy?" I groan

"We all could Charm" She smiles softly "One day, something traumatic could happen to any of us that would change us for the worst, no one is immune. All we can do is hope for the best"

"So once you've gathered the retires, what's the next move?"

"We learn"

"Testing, you mean? Experimenting?"

"Not Experimenting" She says with a soft smile "We would never inject you with anything or hurt you in anyway...only testing, like you've already experienced, just on a broader range"

"Well that's good" I breathe in relieved "Would....uh....Olaf be in charge of testing?"

Miss McNeil laughs and shakes her head "You really need to stop antagonising her, she'll kill you one of these days"

"No!" I gasp playfully "We bonded....well, I bonded with her fists but who cares"

"Seriously though, I've never seen her so angry when you walk into the room. You can practically see the steam coming out of her ears"

"But it's funny seeing her go bright red" I snort "And you gotta admit, hearing her curse me out in Russian is pretty sexy"

She laughs a little louder and nods "I'll give you that one, but you need to stop with Sally as well"

"The bitch chased me out of the red floor with a scalpel" I pout "I just wanted to thank her for giving me real teeth again"

"You covered her entire floor with silly-string, even her staff got covered in it"

"I was celebrating"

"They spent the entire day disinfecting the whole floor" She smiles amused "It was time consuming and exhausting"

"It's not my fault she didn't appreciate my efforts" I shrug "It took me a whole hour to do it and 31 cans of silly-string, not to mention the difficulty I had trying to avoid her staff"

"Charm. Sweety, I get that it's fun, but you're pissing the wrong people off"

"Meh" I shrug "I'll just voodoo hoodoo them into another dimension. Electi can do that, right?" I smirk

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