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(Charm POV)

I was surrounded and these things were closing in on me

I tried reaching into the archive of my mind, trying to remember where I'd seen shadows defeated in movies and stories. They were shadows, solid, but still shadows

Light can counteract shadows I thought But it's day time and they're still deadly I groaned internally I don't even have a Light power anyway I sighed But I do have fire! However, it took me forever to fall through the floor, God knows how long it'll take to get my fire power well as doing it discreetly

My internal monologue was cut off by a big shadow hand swiping at my face. Quick as I could, I raised my hands up to block it. I heard a muffle scream and noticed my hands were covered in a white-blue flame. I didn't even know flames could be this colour

I felt no heat or burn from it, only a slight vibration against my exposed skin

I did however, notice that the sleeves of my outfit where the flame touched were ash, the burnt reminisces floating away in the breeze

I look at the monster that tried to attack me and saw my flame burn him away like tissue paper. It started small and slow, just its hand. Then as it travelled the arm, the flame grew bigger and spread faster, attaching itself to the next shadow and so on

It was incredible to watch, and also a little horrific

Within 10 minutes, there was literally nothing left, no ash, no scortch ground, and the flame dispersed once the last shadows were destroyed, but the flame on my hands remained

I kept my arms away from body, hoping not to set the rest of my clothes on fire and sighed "This is problematic" Kenney will be pissed. Not only did I throw away a mask worth a fortune, but I've also ruined my Super suit

"H-how did you do that?" I look up and Legion is a few meters away from, staring in complete astonishment

"Oh" I groan "I forgot about you"

"How did you do that?!" He asked again "Nothing can kill them"

"Shows what you know" I scoff

"NOOOO!" He screamed angrily and started throwing shadow after shadow at me. I simply swatted them away like you would a house fly "STOP DOING THAT!" He was sweating and I could tell fatigue was setting in "I AM THE MOST POWERFUL! GIVE ME WHAT I DESERVE!"

"As you wish" I smirk at him and send a flame straight to his body. He tried to block it with another shadow, but my flame ball just went right through it. He screamed when it hit his body and he ran around trying to put it out. The scent of BBQ waft in the air as his body was engulfed in flames. I had to breath through my mouth as the smell was nauseating. He collapsed on the ground and started jerking his body until he was still again

I looked around, thankful there was not an audience. Sighing softly to myself, I looked at my hands and clenched my fists, willing the flames to disperse. In an instant, they did

I took a deep breath, this is not what I expected to happen when I saved those people on the train. I've killed 4 people now, but 3 honestly deserved it

I walk back to my bike, happy that it's untouched, then I hear screeching of tires. I look behind me and growl to myself when I see the same SUVs that I saw outside the Indian restaurant

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