Chapter Five - Fast Tracked

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The town was now one of my favorite hotspots to be in. It wasnt much, but it was better than the room right now. Now that I have more money, I can buy some stuff I saw. One of those stuff was a new set of metal grey light weight armor for 25 gold coins that gave me 100 bonus MP when equipped. I mean my current set of armor is good and all, but what happened in the gem dungeon, gave me a confirmation that at some point, Ill have to use skills that actually uses my MP. I did more shopping of some food and MP draining bombs. I lost track of the time and it was again evening time. It was now time to deal with her. Outside the Lodge, I could hear laughter and chatting. As I stepped in the lobby, the place became silent and everyone was now looking at me. Was destroying the testing equipment that big of a deal? I paid no mind to the atmosphere and continued to my room. As I came out of sight, the chatter resumed. Cowards. The door slowly creaked as it revealed an empty bedroom, as expected. What was I thinking, why would she be waiting for me? I went straight to the bathroom to get rid of the sweat and grime of me. After a bath, I just went to sleep.

A nudge to the ribs woke me up faster than an alarm.

What do you want Sunset? I did not take your side of the bed okay?

Thats not what I woke you up for. I woke you up because of two things. First, what the heck did you do to the guild? Second due to the first thing, Im giving you a heads up that the Royal Family might summon you.

The bed sank in more, as Sunset shifted on her side. What does she use as perfume? She smells too good.

Youre really back with the sniffing? You and I are going to have a conflict soon if you keep up with this foolishness.

Busted again. I wonder whats the time? The HUD heard me and popped up the time.


I was sleeping for so long? Sunset could have killed me if she wanted to. What was she doing so late?

Where were you? I went looking for you.

I was with my sister, the rest you dont need to know. I heard you were with the useless girl. You even went to the point of forming a squad with her.

I cant believe It. Even you Sunset? Whats with everyone trashing Poppy like that? Could it have something to do with that curse effect? What am I saying? It definitely is related to that curse.

She might be useless in your eyes, but to me, she is full of untapped potential, so wait and see, Ill turn her into a person everyone will admire.

Whatever you say Azur. Tonight, will be the last night Ill ever sleep in the same room with someone like you. A room will be opened tomorrow for me to get if I want it. Unfortunately, I will be going somewhere, so Ill give it up.

Aww, but we were just getting to know each other Also, your word choice makes it sound very dirty.

Sunset gave me a glare which probably meant to stop it. That was to avenge Poppy.

Good night and good riddance to you, Sunset.

I blocked out her hateful responses, and went back to sleep.

Morning approached very fast, as the sun came in through the window. Sunset was yet again, nowhere to be found. I checked the food yet again; it was not poisoned. I went to the guild again with Poppy to do the second mission, but I was interrupted from doing missions, by none other than the hand of Ethawne.

Hello Azur, nice to meet you again. Youre doing good for yourself I see. I heard you caused an uproar yesterday. Well happy for you, youre summoned by the Royal Family. Failure to be present will lead to a bounty on your head. Now whats your decision?

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