Chapter Six - Show Off

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After 8 hours, we finally arrived at the northeast coastal city of Rizz, it was now about in the afternoon. A ship was waiting for us at the port that was prepared by the queen. Everywhere there was girls, girls, and girls. The sailors: girls, the persons preparing the equipment: girls, I would not be surprised if the captain of the ship was a girl. There were some of my gender on the ship, but they were rare to see, from my first impressions. Any boy would be glad if they could be in my position, but my goodness they were everywhere. Also, they were also in some quite revealing outfits I dare say. My little boy down there was about to burst out. Calm done young one, not yet. I just want one girl; I cannot bother with the harem route. That route in the end is just going to be a sad story. You can only pick one, not all.

Poppy saw me stuck in one place. Are you okay Azur? You look very constipated.

Yeah, Im okay, just fine. Probably a bad stomach, but other that its fine.

We made our way on the ship, that just looks absolutely amazing. It was coloured in a type of pearly magenta. Princess Thlyla and the smiling girl and their entourages followed suit. In the smiling girls entourage, there was Sunset. The smiling girl made her way over to my area. She looks exactly like Sunset! But a little older. They are related. Why didnt I see that earlier?

Hello there, I didnt get the chance of meeting you back at the palace, but here we are. Im Rivera Ignite, the champion of Razz, nice to meet you. I should say thanks for taking care of my sister.

She brought out her hand, still smiling too hard. I suddenly got suspicious of her. My HUD flashed a notification and highlighted her hand.

Likewise. I walked past her without shaking her hand. That was a close one. But then Princess Thyla came out of nowhere to bump into me. You arent going to get with that terrible acting! Lets see what shell do.

She fell on the ground. Ouch! You should watch where youre going.

She put her hand up, as if signalling that I should help her up. I was about to, when my HUD once again flashed and highlighted her raised hand.

Help yourself up. I walked past her also. Jeez, I cant trust any girl on this ship except Poppy.

They entourages of both princess and champion mixed and mingle with each other, chatting galore on the deck. The chatter was silenced by a clearing of the throat. Some old man walked towards us, particularly the princess and the champion. He was followed by a stunningly beautiful woman.

Hello Champion and Your Majesty Thyla. I am Captain Dean and this lady beside me is the vice-captain, Patricia. It is an honour to have you on my ship, Maggie. I hope that you will enjoy yourselves while on your expedition.

Princess Thyla walked past me, brushing my shoulder. She gave me a side glare then changed her emotions, before facing the captain. Yes, it really is an honour to be a guest on your wonderful ship. On behalf of my entourage, we thank you for having us.

The champion also brushed against me while passing, giving me a side smirk followed by the licking of her lips. She gave the captain a similar greeting. The captain surveyed the crowd until he finally stopped his eyes on me. His eyes showed disgust, as if he was looking at a bug. What did I do to you now? He spoke. And you must be the odd boy, welcome to my ship.

Yes, thank you for having us on your ship. I emphasised on the ship to make it sound like shit. He growled in a low volume, that I heard clearly, due to my enhanced senses and strength.

Oh, cap, did I just hear something like dogs. I didnt know there were dogs on the ship? Where are they? I love dogs! I even heated him up more. Everyone was trying to listen for any dogs. He forced a smile at me.

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