Chapter Ten

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Upon reaching, we now faced some ant-like monsters, four in total. They were half the size of me, but they were quick on their feet. Poppy was smiling, probably wanting to test out her new skill.

"Don't worry Azur, I'll take this battle."

"Flower Mythology, [Ivy Splash]"

Vines rushed out the earth and wrapped up around the ants and squished them, exploding green muck everywhere. The explosion caused six more ants to show up. I looked its properties.



LVL: 5, Rank 2

HP: 1500, MP: N/A

Trait: |Abomination-Insect| Immune to Torture

Skills: [Bite] Deals moderate dark damage. |0MP|

"Poppy, I leave this to you then."

"Autumns fizzle, [Leaflet Sizzle]"

The Zants were being burnt alive, screaming out in some rather disturbing low pitch voice. Their bodies were disintegrated. We continued on the path which was now getting narrower by the minute.

This was really not up to my standards due to it now being less than 1 meter in width.

"I don't do so well in these spaces. I'm very cluster phobic."

Poppy was seemingly immune to this, "Aw, its fine Azur. Everyone has something that they are not good with. For example, I have a phobia of massive amounts of water."

"You mean like the sea we used to travel from Razz to North Zapple Island to this one? I can understand that one. I almost drowned when I was at the beach with my family."

"Where are they now?"

That question Poppy asked hit me like a truck. She just knows where to strike, huh?

I'm sorry Poppy, but I can't tell you that. Maybe one day I will.

"They're back in the rural area doing well, but not too well. I came to the capital to get a better life, so I can help them out."

"That's just like me then."

The path was finally over. We were now at the top of the lowest mountain. But life wasn't so gracious to allow Poppy and I alone to arrive. There also a person and not just any person, Cat Face.

"What do you want Cat Face, or rather Rivera? How did you reach here so fast from the other side of the island? Don't tell me that you ran off just to fight me? How horrifying."

Cat Face took her mask off to indeed reveal the face of Rivera Ignite, "Hello again Azur. You really found me out. I don't know how you do it, but it's very impressive. It appears that I am very thirsty for battle, will you help quench my thirst?"

"If I said no, would you agree to it? I don't want to waste precious MP on a quarrel that could've been solved by talking it out. I've got another cloaked person after me already, so please could you go back?"

"Flame tame, [Eruption]"

"[Speed Splice]"

I blocked the main attack from [Eruption] but that proved to not be enough. She blitzed right in front of me and then disappeared. I got hit in the back, my armour taking the damage and dropping off, from the melting effect.

"Oh, that's not right. You should have been melting as well. But that's what I love about you. A truly reliable toy. I really want to pay you back for what you did on the boat. So just take it!"

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