A new development

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Norla was teased by Sammy about her boyfriend being in charge of the prison, the news had spread quickly that the new guard was acting Governor. Jemm seemed a bit distant throughout the conversation between Sammy and Norla. Norla noticed her moodiness throughout the last four days, she tried talking to her but Jemm only said it was usual for her and she didn't wish to talk about it. Norla was called to Roman's office, two of the gang accompanied her and stood on the outside as she went in. "This is from your mom, Norla" Roman said trying his best to lie and look innocent. She said thank you and looked into the small bag, of course, she knew her mom wouldn't send her chocolate she hated those. "No she didn't" Norla grinned, Roman covered his face and laugh " OK, you got me, I thought of cheering you up", he went on to tell her of what he had been up to on the past few days Norla was in tears and covered her face, he removed her hands and gave her a napkin. After her face was dried he hugged her and told her he's doing all this because he just knew when a person is innocent and don't belong in prison. She sighed and then to his surprise she kissed him on the cheek and smiled through her tear-stained face. He pulled her close and kiss her on her lips this time for real and not in his dreams. She informed him of conversations she had with her mom who told her she won't hear any news from her in relation to her imprisonment unless it was positive. He told her she should go now before suspicions are raised and told her to read his note when she's alone. She hugged him tightly this time and kissed him back and left the office, she knew better than to have the smile on her face as she left. She told the girls who accompanied her that her mom sent her bag and lied about the real reason as to why Roman delivered it.

She made sure to hide the note in her pocket and the other girls ate the chocolate, even Jemm who was moody in the day took the biggest chocolate and refused to share it with Sammy. They joked around and soon after someone announced it was getting late, they then went to their separate cell rooms. Norla went into the bathroom and read the note from Roman, it was romantic to some essence and the other part promised to help her as much as he could as he wanted her to be safe and always careful, it stated that she should shred it after she read it. She did so and went back to their bunks to see a moody Jemm curled up on the bottom bunk, she invited her to sleep on the bottom bunk with her. "No, I won't, not until you tell me what's up!" Norla said this with her hands folded, it was the first time Jemm has seen her so stubborn as she stood firmly pouting her lips. Jemm yawned "OK, have a seat and don't disrupt me I haven't had the chance to punch you yet" this made Norla sat on the bottom bunk quickly.

"Every time I see you, you remind me of Saray, the only thing I ever had closest to another family member, the only person I called friend, she had some of your personality for one, she was; quiet, had a cute smile, small dimples in both cheeks, a light brown skin Latino with long black hair, she was skinny and tall too". Norla laughed at this description, "we were everything, she was of a more upper class and attended the same church I did that's how we meet, I showed an upper-class girl how to have fun. Her parents thought I was good company ppsshh I was bad company, so they allowed us to be friends and we had fun, right up to the night I murdered my stepdad. She was still my friend, her family supported me when mine hated me for what I did, only my baby sister thought of me as a hero. She went to do modeling for a company in New York and visit me at this prison now and then". Norla wondered why she has never seen this person before, Jemm disrupted her thoughts to continue. " We had a fight about over a month ago, we cussed, she kept on telling me I shouldn't be in a gang, what does she know about prison? I had to earn my badge or I would've been dead or broken up and I'm a top of the food chain girl, how can she tell me I shouldn't be in a gang but she's always at a club partying and getting drunk when she's in an I miss my best friend mood, she's a hypocrite" Jemm sounded angrier by the second. " Where did she live?" Norla asked, "In Olympus, she worked at a model requiting agency, she was one of their agents and top model, she said she moved here so the distance to visit me would be closer. The Cleo Heart Indoor Club was the only club she's go-to". Norla stopped her, she started to put the pieces together, the female that was found unconscious matched Jemm's description of her. "What was her full name?" she asked an annoyed Jemm, Norla kept disturbing her, "Saray Santos, why?". Norla jumped from the bed as if she saw a ghost, she felt scared. " The person I was accused of attempting to murder was her, I didn't do it, I  didn't do it", she plopped to the cell floor and started crying. Jemm got up, she was shocked and angry but doubt Norla was guilty, she was getting into a fit she punched the wall. "Some messed up bitch did that to get at me, someone knew she and I were close, she's the only friend I have, and I had no idea she was in a hospital she stormed out on me and told me we're done being friends".

Jemm dialed Sammy's cell phone and told her all that happened, they send word to the gang including the outside contacts. Jemm had to get to the bottom of this she had to get that person that hurt Saray and framed Norla. Norla told her all Roman had said including Saray waking up, and the information Roman was hoping to obtain the following day. It seems as if the entire Jemm's gang was up and eager to hear from their leader what her next move would be. Jemm climbed onto the top bunk fuming all night with a tearful Norla begging her to sleep so her mind and thoughts could be better in the morning. It was already late but the hurt and pain kept them up as if tiredness cease to exist. 

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