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Judai's mouth progressively turned downwards as he spoke to the beautiful crimson-haired girl in front of him, his body shaking as he spoke. His eyes were shadowed by his hair as he cast his gaze to the ground.

Judai: "I remember a few years back...my dad told me that something needs to have a foundation to be real. He told me that something needs to be logical to be true...but how are we able to do the things that we do otherwise? How in the hell are we facing off against monsters that threaten our lives? How are we facing off against a bitter woman who's in control of these monsters and has been alive for a few hundred years? By logical reasoning that shouldn't be doable...hell, a few years ago I didn't have a fucking clue that any of this was possible." He began.

Judai: "I'm out here blasting lightning, ice and fire out of my hands. Mind you, people say that stuff like this is fake. But how are we doing it then? Everything and anything is possible no matter how crazy or illogical it may seem. I pinch myself everyday, and I know for sure I'm not hallucinating. I know I'm right! We don't need explanations or scientific evidence just to prove something...so why? Even when he's dead, he's trying to burrow his way into my head!" Said Judai, looking up at Stella. She gasped as she saw that his eyes had turned golden with red pupils and silver irises. Along with that, she noticed that tears were pouring down his face without any sign of stopping. The Crimson Princess swiftly wrapped her arms around the dred-head and pulled him into a deep hug.

Stella: "Don't believe what your dad says. You've seen what all has happened. We were taken from our world and teleported to a different universe through an inter dimensional portal. Along with that, we managed to kill a terrorist that helped orchestrate a panic throughout this universe. I can summon a sword and start fires by will. If what your dad said was honest or correct at all, then not a single soul would be living, right?" She asks, pulling away from the hug. Despite having gotten to know her quite well, Judai was still trying to get over being nervous around the Vermillion Crimson Princess.

While things had started off rocky at first, he had grown to love her, but he doesn't know how to tell her. He nodded, looking away from Stella while a blush formed on his face. Judai had been severely embarrassed by the fact he broke down into tears. While they were silent, they were certainly visible. Speaking of which, he involuntarily sniffled as he nodded.

       Stella smiled and a second later, Judai found himself in heaven. 5 seconds later, he found out exactly why. His eyes automatically turned back to Pyrrha green as a deep blush appeared on his face, his mind shook by this occurrence. The one and only Stella Vermillion, Crimson Princess and A-Rank blazer...was kissing him! HIM!

        Every night he would dream of this, having enough control over his mind scape to lucid dream about whatever he wanted, especially since dreams are more than just thinking in our sleep. It's MUCH deeper than that. It's us visiting different universes, worlds or dimensions in our sleep. Either that or it's us seeing what's we're going through in a different universe, world or dimension...and there's an infinite number of each out there! But now it was happening right now?! His first kiss?! He knew he was right! SCOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEE!!!

Stella: "Mmm..." the powerful Crimson-haired princess moaned, her tongue playing with Judai's own as he wrapped his arms around her waist. After about 10 minutes, the new couple recognized the need for air and separated their lips from one another, a string of saliva being left behind. Stella blushed darkly, her crimson eyes half-lidded as she looked directly into Judai's Pyrrha green orbs.

Stella: "Whoa..." she says shyly. Judai blushed upon hearing her.

Judai: "Whas'sit?" He asked. The crimson princess giggled.

Stella: "Your lips are so soft...and they are hot, hotter than my fire..." she said sweetly, turning away from Judai. Suddenly, a thud was heard. Stella turned around to see Judai lying on the ground with his eyes closed. Her eyes widened as she rushed over.

Stella: "Judai? Judai?!" She asked, shaking him. It was then that she noticed the shit-eating grin on his face along with a goofy blush.

Judai: "Heaven is mine..." he said quietly. Stella blushed, shaking slightly as she summoned some fire and immolated Judai. The overpowered dred-head leapt up, his mind too all over the place to remember that he could use ice.

Judai: "OHHHHWHHHHHAAAAAA!!!" He shouts in horror, thinking his outfit would be ruined. Stella's face was in a slight pout.

Stella: "Dumbass..." She said quietly. Regardless, she smiled in content with a blush on her face.

RWBY x CoaFK Crossover: Stella x Judai (Future Harem)Where stories live. Discover now