Good People, Good Times

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The next few months ticked by at an unbearably slow pace. The only thing that I had to keep my interest was work and Cara with her new love life. She always screamed at me when I referred to it as her love life because she insisted that nothing was going on. I'm not an idiot, something was totally going on. I convinced her to fly out here to visit and he happened to be in LA at the moment so I was just going to entertain myself with them. 

Sonny was currently in the process of creating his album and pretty much everything that could go wrong, was. I've never seen him so stressed in all my time knowing him. Actually, stressed was an understatement. He was currently on the road which was usually never an issue for him when it came to working but now it just added on to his stress. I don't know why he was stressing so bad, everything he had so far was amazing. He was in asia last week and spit out a banger with a few Korean singers. Honestly, I think he was stressing so hard because it was still a secret and he was changing his sound a bit. 

He was coming home for a bit so try and work on some things and then meet with some people about making an app for his release. I knew he was going to lock himself in the studio though so I wasn't really expecting to do anything with him which was upsetting but I knew his album trumped everything right now. 

Luke and I were somewhat on the rocks. We had talked and everything but I was still kind of ticked off about it. I was just trying to move past it though and keep the peace. 

I was sitting around watching trashy reality tv waiting for Cara when Sonny came in the door and dropped his bag instantly. I jumped up, completely off guard. He wasn't supposed to get in until tonight. 

"Uh, hi! You're back extra early." I said as he came over to the couch and plopped down. 

"Yeah, we got offered a flight out earlier. Took it since I just want to be home right now." He muttered and closed his eyes, tipping his head back. I sat down on the coffee table directly in front of him. I went to go ask him about his album but he beat me to it. "Am I in over my head?" He took his glasses off and threw them in his lap and rubbed his face. 

"No you're not. Maybe you just need a break or something." I patted his knee. 

"I don't have time for a break." 

"Just a baby one." I told him and leaned grabbed both of his knees and leaned forward so I was right in his face. "Like, three hours." He put his hands on his head and looked at me. "Like enough to go to dinner with Cara and I." 

"So I can listen to you two bicker all dinner? No thanks." He shook his head. I leaned back with a frown. 

"We'll be in a public setting so no punches can be thrown this time!" 

"Why is she even in LA?" 

"To visit me...and Joel happens to be in town." I watched as he got up and went to the fridge. 

"Joel's in town? For what?" 

"Shit if I know." I shrugged. It wasn't my job to keep track of him!

"You went shopping?" He sounded surprised. 

"Yeah, we had no food."

"Huh." He stared at the fridge for a few seconds. 

"Why are you so confused?" I asked as I watched him just stare at the fridge. 

"I'm not confused, I'm just surprised. I never open the fridge to see it full." 

"Am I supposed to just live here with no food?" I asked with a giggle. 

"No." He mumbled. "No of course not." He bent down and opened a box, I'm assuming the box of Coronas I bought. "And you bought beer." 

"Why are you so shocked?" I asked with a laugh. 

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