Ari cleaned up nicely too. He wore dark, tight-fitted denim jeans with a black button-down shirt that had the sleeves rolled a quarter of the way. His camera of course completed his ensemble. I hadn't had the chance to see much of his finished work yet. He was so secretive about it.

Brenna, Jake, and Tyler filed in behind him. Tyler seemed to take me in before Brenna dragged him away. That made me feel slightly self conscious. They were somehow still together. I was not in the minority in thinking that he needed to grow a pair already and put everyone out of their misery.

I was sitting on a couch listening to James and Dylan talk. Ari came and sat next to me. I felt his hand on mine instantly. Dylan looked over and nodded his seal of approval at Ari. Ari still hadn't even asked me to go on an official date but we had gotten into this small displays of public affection routine.

After a few minutes he leaned over and whispered in my ear, "You look gorgeous, Gorgeous."

I just smiled and mouthed "You look good too."

As the night continued the adults got drunk enough that they stopped paying attention to the older kids sneaking beer too. I was not about to try that with my dad around and I noticed Ari never made a play to grab one either. Miri and Danny got into their weekly fight or as I learned to call it a kerfuffle. Declan tried to sweet talk Annie while Landon tried the same on Nina. Both struck out quickly.

The whole evening Ari stayed at my side, casually holding my hand or hanging his arm around my shoulder or waist. We stayed downstairs where I knew my dad wouldn't bother us. These parents really did seem to trust all of the teenagers just hanging out alone. Jordan would never have been okay with it. Only Aunt Claire or Uncle Jim came down stairs occasionally to check in on everyone. Because of how long the basement stairs were, we all had time to separate and look appropriate before they came into view. It wasn't like we were all over each other but Ryan and Reece didn't want to risk any of the adults seeing them holding hands and Elle would hop off of Aarons lap if the door opened.

Tim bowed out early and I told him I was spending the night here; although I was not quite sure that was true. It was past eleven when Ari asked if I wanted to go to his house to get some peace and quiet from all the drunken shenanigans happening around us and I happily agreed. I told Aunt Claire that Ari was walking me home knowing that she wouldn't try and text my dad to check that I made it in.

On our way out we saw a very inebriated and irate Brenna cussing out Tyler in a corner. He just stood there taking it and looked mostly down at the ground. I felt bad for him. I silently hoped though that tonight would be the last nail in that coffin. They needed to, for the sake of everyone, figure out if all the fighting was worth it.

Once we were away from everyone, Ari's arm was around my shoulder again. We crossed the street and headed to his house two streets over. I was used to this house by now. It was very cookie cutter like Aunt Claire and Uncle Jim's. We headed upstairs and he opened his door slowly, looking back for my approval of his choice of venue. I nodded as I passed him and sat down on his bed.

This was first time I had seen it when it was not in blacked out. Ari's room was so different from what I had seen of the rest of the house. All the other walls of the house were neutral tones, even Elle's.

Ari's walls were a sleek gray that were almost black.

Elle's closet door had tons of band posters on the inside but once she shut it; no one would be able to recognize her room from anyone else's in the house. Ari had a wall with rows of pictures in uniform frames. It looked like a chic art gallery in here. I hopped off the bed and walked around looking at each one in the light.

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