"Thank you," Zayn said quietly. I'd learned how reserved he got around people that weren't me, Liam, Niall, or Louis.

We went through the songs we had recorded and discussed what ones we thought would be the best on the album for a while. It was pretty entertaining because we all had different opinions. Niall really liked this one song that the rest of us were a bit iffy on, and Liam, Zayn, and I thought one was a bit rough, while Niall and Louis thought it was the best one, and so on and so forth.

"Your voice is very good with the band, Harry. Anyways, you'll have the next two and a half weeks for Christmas and New Years, but then you will have to work hard in preparation for the tour. I know we usually have a larger period of time from when we announce a tour to where it actually takes place, but you'll do fine," Will assured us.

I could practically hear Louis roll his eyes.

"That's what you said before you forced me into doing that interview," he snapped.

What was up with him? I knew he hated management, but this was getting ridiculous.

Will raised his eyebrows.

"I've heard that you have been quite a bit of trouble to Harry, Louis," he said coolly.

Louis smirked.

"Then your sources are terribly outdated. Ask anyone in this room, Hazza and I have grown quite close since he was ill," he said, using my nickname as proof.

"Is that true?" Will asked me.

"Very. Lou's my best mate. We get along great now and we tell eachother absolutely everything," I confirmed.

He nodded slowly, then smiled mischievously.

"Tell me, then, if you're so close. Why titanium?" he asked, testing me.

There was a collective gasp. Niall looked a bit scared, Liam looked shocked, and Zayn was struggling to hide his emotions, but he appeared a bit angry. Louis went ridged, his face reddening.

"Umm...what?" I asked.

Will smirked.

"Guess your best mate hasn't told you absolutely everything," he purred.

"You can't honestly expect Harry to know that, Will. Lou hasn't mentioned it once to any of us," Liam sighed.

"I'm confused. Why titanium doesn't even make sense?" I mumbled.

"If you think you really tell eachother everything, then you're sorely misunderstood, Harry. You should know what titanium means. Isn't it obvious that everyone knows but you?" Will said, his mouth twisted into a cruel smile.

Louis was shaking, but for once, it wasn't because he was crying. His face was bright red with absolute fury.

"Every single meeting!" he yelled suddenly, "There hasn't been one meeting in the past ten months where you haven't said something to intentionally aggravate me! Why the hell do you have to do this? Isn't it enough for us just to simply say that we're friends? I trust Harry with my life, but there are some things that I'm just not ready to talk about, alright?"

I had grown so used to his happy, occasionally sad attitude that I was slightly alarmed at his anger. But then I remembered that he had once screamed at me like that.

"I'll have someone phone you about the tour soon," Will said easily before standing and walking out.

Louis looked like he was going to strangle somebody. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders as we walked to his car.

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