Carnage/???: "_Aww~. Didn't like my gift? Well here's another one!" the Symbiote shouted and from behind her came two axe heads heading for the heroines. Since they were able to see it, the two were able to dodge it easily, Gwen already starting her counter attack by shooting a ball of spider fluid mixed with flammable liquid, though Carnage didn't know that, at their enemy.

Petra didn't lag behind and, immediately after Gwen fired her webbing, she had Venom form a half-circle blade as their arms, and leapt into action. This was how they fought against Carnage.

Whilst Gwen was acting as a long-ranged scout, occasionally swinging down to do some close quarter combat of her own, Venom and Petra would fight against Carnage in a frontal assault distracting and slowing her down as Venom was the only one that could barely keep up with her, so that hopefully, they could somehow defeat Carnage with flames like they used to.

However, with their current mission, the trio only hoped that burning Carnage a bit would catch them some time. Sadly, Carnage was getting stronger and stronger, and recently now, Carnage was able to see everything around her, practically being ambush-proof, so it was easy for her to dodge the attack from both the Symbiote pair in front of her and the attack from Gwen ay the same time.

Whilst in the middle of evading the attack from the trio, Carnage had sent tendrils to intercept the Symbiote pair in front of her, which was blocked by the axe blade hands. Unfortunately for Venom and Petra, the Carnage in front of them was way different than the one they have previously fought, as she didn't really solely in frantic and crazed attacks with minor misdirection, but also adding in a much different approach from before.

The pair had expected the tendrils to continously lash at them, but unexpectedly, it wrapped around the axe hands, stopping it from moving. And, with a quick tug, Petra and Venom were pulled towards Carnage, who was quick to construct a gauntlet! An actual gauntlet made from her bio-mass that looked to be as strong, or even stronger, than metal.

This move stunned the duo, as they were too used to Carnage and Cletus' bladed constructs. It may not directly injure the host, but it would sure damage the Symbiote. However, with a quick warning from Karen, Venom, who, after months of hard work and dedication, was able to make constructs out of her own bio-mass herself. So, without delay, Venom created armor plating around her torso, just before they made contact with Carnage's gauntlet.

*Klang!!* A sound of metal hitting metal was heard, surprising both parties, but Carnage, having the superior reaction time, was able to get out of her shock and made a pair of devil horns as big as hand on her forehead and headbutted the pair in front of her, dealing a lot of damage to both Venom and Karen!

Carnage didn't stop there and constructed spikes around her left leg and attacked Venom's stomack with an hook kick, and with the strength behind the kick, it was actually able to throw the pair meters away, but unluckily for them, the tendrils from earlier were still wrapped around Venom's wrists amd Carnage was quick to pull them back.

The pair, however, wouldn't let Carnage keep on attacking them and quickly cut off the tendrils with tendrils of their own, and, as they were mid-air at the time, they were sent flying. Venom, however, made a pair of wings, similar to a gliding suit's, and easily changed their direction towards Carnage, who was currently being dealt by Gwen and her barrage of bullet like spider webs.

Then, from above, the pair held their hands together and slowly, a massive hammer formed, blocking the sun. With gravity, the pair were quickly falling right above Carnage, who lazily dodged the attack from above.

Carnage: "_I've got to hand it to you, mommy~. I didn't think you had it in you to find a way to control your bio-mass to create contsructs. Well done~. Now our fights just got better! _" the younger Symbiote applauded as Gwen grunted whilst the other Symbiote pair had cut a large tree and, with Venom visibility gaining for muscle, threw it at Carnage.

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