1.It Ended With A "Goodbye"

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-~<|¦1.It Ended With¦|>~-
-~<|¦With A "Goodbye"¦|>~-


Me: "Hi!"
Me: Thanks!
Me: "For!"
Me: "READING!!!"
^~Ear rape
Me: "*Glares* You!" ^~Action while talking


|Fury's POV|

Today, wasn't a great day. Two of my best agents, dead. And today, they would be one with the earth.

I don't believe in Jesus, but I pray that their souls go into heaven. They weren't the best people, but the sure as hell deserve a place there.

Lyla and Daniel Smile. A married couple that I treated as my own children. Kinda ironic, isn't it? I leave my own kid while I go treat someone else like my own flesh and blood.

Emotions are really a hard thing to understand. Especially love. I loved these two, taught them to be a great agent.

Hehe. Still remember the day they went out the closet and announced their relationship. Thankfully, as agents, we were mostly open-minded, so the two barely received any prejudice. Such a unique pair.

They made S.H.I.E.L.D livelier with all their antiques. Relationships weren't really approved by the council, as emotions can cloud judgment, but they can't deny that love...sometimes win. And they(Lyla and Daniel), proved it many times.

Sadly, it didn't work this time.

Looking to my left, I observed the 7 year old girl beside me. She was small, but that was normal for children her age, but she was unhealthily thin. Those 7 days took a toll on her, it traumatized her even.

Now she's afraid of being alone, in fear of getting kidnapped once more. But, worst of all, she is afraid of seeing. Not that she's afraid of getting blind, rather, she is afraid of not knowing what's happening around her, all that time while getting tortured, she was forced into a blindfold, it was both a good thing and a bad thing. She didn't get to see her parents faces in pain, and yet, after that, she never saw them ever again, and when she did, here they were, in a coffin, together.

Speaking of the kid, it's kinda scary that she's not crying. Maybe she's gone in denial, accepting it silently, or...broken.

If it is the third, then that would not be good. I get being in denial, as that would dissappear with some time and consoling, but having a broken mind would be hard thing to piece back together. Especially with a kid.

Glancing at the coffin in front of us, I sighed sadly before looking back at Freyja. Even as a kid, she's a cutey, she's definitely gonna look like Lyla when she grows up. If only they would be there to watch her grow.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D, I have many, many responsibilities where I have to disregard my wants, morals, and emotions. I have done that many times before, got used to it, but emotions are really a mysterious things.

Couldn't believe I'd fall in love with someone. Heh, and now, I have a kid, too bad I can't even contact her. She never got to meet me, yet she's growing up to be just like me.

Is it something like, like father, like daughter? Maybe...I could meet her? Like the saying goes, you only live once.

Though I have prepared countermeasures for faking my death, or even if I really die, I still have one life.

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