Aaliyah chuckled to keep from getting mad. "When were you going to tell me this?", she asked. "Like seriously?"

"Aaliyah how could I with all this shit happening?? Us loosing the baby, you getting shot, us going to Hawaii... I didn't have the time to", he said.

Aaliyah sniffs. "You know what Dre I don't care alright", she said. "Because at the end of the day, everybody else can have a child but me right?? You know what I'll just get this fucking club sold and get you out and that's that"

"What about us?", he asked.

"I'm here broken.. shattered into pieces and doing things I promised myself that I would never do and the only thing you ask me is that?", she asked.

"What are you doing that you promised yourself you wouldn't", Dre said.

"...you should've just let that guy shoot me that night.. you wouldn't be jail and I wouldn't be still in my misery", she said.

"Stop talking like that", he asked.

"I have to go", Aaliyah said. "I'm supposed to meet with those people who want the business. They're going to keep the club as is"

"Why you change the subject?", he asked.

"Talk to you later or tomorrow or whenever Dre. Bye", she said before she hung up.

She began to cry and her head was hurting from all the thoughts that ran through her head. She walked into Jay's room to look for his stash but she didn't find it.

"Damn", she said to herself as she looked around his room. "Where is it?"

Aaliyah looked all around his room but didn't see it. She walked out his room and grabbed her bag and walked out the house. As she did that she called somebody on her phone.

"Yo?", Kev said.

"Hey Kev, I hope you're still in business. I need some products.. the big boy stuff", she said. "This is Aaliyah by the way"

Kev chuckled. "It's been a minute.. but What you want with that?", he asked.

"For a friend", she replied.

"For a friend huh?", he asked. "Alright, I'm still at my usual place"

"Okay. See you then", she said. Aaliyah hung up and got into the car.

Aaliyah drove to Kev's spot and met him outside in his backyard. He was with his friends hanging out.

"Oooooh", one of the guys said. "Boy done got him a new snack to nibble on"

Everybody but Aaliyah and Kev start laughing.

"Bruh, chill. This my homegirl", Kev said as he got up smiling. "Y'all need to go anyways. I got shit to handle"

One of the guys come up to Aaliyah as everybody else got up.

"Well shit, you got a nigga?", he asked.

Aaliyah didn't say anything.

"Leave", Kev said.

"Alright whatever", the guy said as he followed everybody else out the gate and into the front.

Kev walked to Aaliyah and smiled as he bit his bottom lip. "Do you?", he asked.

"Do I what?", Aaliyah asked.

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