Scott flinched when he heard the alpha growl, he looked to his friends and pointed in the other direction. Whispering, "Go."

Paige quickly left the small room, she played with her hood and stopped, "We need to do something. We can't just keep running around. I don't think it's going to get tired but we will."

"But what will we do?" Scott asks her.

Stiles agreed with Paige though, "I don't know. Kill it, hurt it, inflict mental anguish on it. Something."

Paige flinched when she heard it's growl echo down the hall, she had her hands balled in fists while shooting a look to Stiles but he was looking at her, "What? Think up an idea, genius."

"You are always saying how smart you are." Stiles shot over at her, which made Scott wave his hands to get them to be quiet because now wasn't the time for them to argue with each other.

Pressing her lips together, Paige looked around to see if there was anything in the vicinity that they could use to help them in this situation. Her head turned down the room beside them and then forward. "Give me your keys."

"What?" Stiles twisted his head so he was looking over at her now.

"Stiles." Her voice was firm and demanding, which was a little out of character for Paige.

So Stiles instantly did as she asked and dropped his keys in her hands because she was serious this time. Extremely serious for once. "Okay."

Paige backed them up behind the door of the room and giggled the keys in her hand before throwing them into the room. She turned around and hid with the others as the Alpha ran for where the noise was. Quickly, she slammed the door shut and screamed, "The desk! Move the desk!"

Stiles and Scott shoved the desk so it was pressed against the door, and each time the alpha slammed against it. The desk would just press into the wall parallel to it.

Paige sunk down to the ground and placed her head in her hands, "Oh, my God."

Stiles looked through the window and didn't see anything, "Hey, come over on this side."

Paige was the first to crawl on top of the table and get over. She inhaled deeply and looked at Scott as he quickly crawled over. She looked at Stiles when she noticed how he was about to get on the desk, "Hey! What are you doing?"

Stiles swatted her hand away from him, "I just wanna get a better look at it."

Scott screwed his brows together, "Are you crazy?"

"Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out." Stiles reassured them, even though both didn't seem to be buying into it that much. He got on the desk and pointed the flashlight into the window of the door, "Yeah, that's right, we got you-"

Paige grew tense and smacked him, "Stiles, don't antagonize it!"

"I'm not scared of this thing." Stiles scoffed and shifted so Paige missed him, "I'm not scared of you. Right, cause you're in there and we're out here. You're not gonna-"

Paige heard a loud crashing sound and pulled Stiles off of the table, "Did it just go through the roof?"

"Uh-huh..." Stiles whispers slowly.

"Yeah, we should have been running earlier." Paige pointed behind them when she heard more noise coming from above them, "Now!"

Scott nodded his head and pushed at her, "Right behind you!"

Paige felt Stiles grab onto her hood after maybe running for a few minutes to stop her. She choked from the impact on her neck and fell back against him. Which made the three form a pile on the ground. "Stiles!" She shot over at him while lifting her leg off of Scott's chest.

Lil' Red Riding Hood | Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now