"W-what! Why?!" The angry prince reacted as he tried to lift the whole table up with his 'magic' but failed.

"My prince, you know that we can't improve the effect without the sample, and since he r-" the professor stopped midsentence when he heard a low crack coming from the door.

I panicked a bit when I realized I had leaned too much to cause the door to move a little, I tried to cover the mess up.

I opened the door steadily and pretended I never heard or saw a thing. The prince dropped everything to the floor immediately so that nothing was floating anymore. I put my cold and stern usual face and walked in with the laundry basket.

"My lord, I'm here for the laundry" I said as a cold sweat drop creeped down my cheek while I tried my best to behold my poker face.

Prince Taro stared at me for some minutes with an unbearable silence in the air. He placed his fingers on my chin and made me look him directly in the eyes.

"Is there anything that's bothering you, ouji-sama?" I asked and smiled my most believable innocent smile.


A long painful silence again.

"No, just get out already, there's no laundry" He frowned and let go of my chin harshly before turning around and sitting back on his luxurious chair.

Ah, that was a close one!


Downtown area, Youya's POV:


We finally snatched Ayane-san from her depression, thanks to Rin's careless attitude.

I watched from behind as Ayane-san and Rin continued to fight over something I didn't care about while Rin gave his best at teasing Ayane-san.

Hina-san walked beside me as happy as I was to see Ayane-san so energic again.

A rain drop came from above and landed on my nose. I looked up and gave a sigh of relief that everything was at least doing better than before. More drops landed on my face, but the rain was not so heavy that we needed any umbrellas or anything, so we just continued our walk.

"You know that's not true! I have a slim sexy waist. Don't go tell me this shit about your grandma having a prettier body than me!" Ayane-san screamed. "Right, Hina?!" She looked back at me and Hina-san with that I-dare-you-to-say-no terrifying face.

"Uh, well, we don't know how his grandmother looks like, right? We can't just.... assume things?" Hina-san said, more like questioned, after feeling cornered and raising her hands defensively in front of her.

"What!" Ayane-san scowled. "Not you too, Hina! Is that what you think too? Youya?!" She asked, technically threatened, me.

I backed a few steps. Ready to run for my life.

"Uhhh, um, well...." I stuttered, trying to think of a way to evade death. "Wait, you don't even have a grandmother, Rin!" I realized.

"Hahaha, fools" Rin laughed mockingly and started running away as Ayane-san followed with a stick in hand, ready to attack. The light rain continued to fall as Ayane-san and Rin splashed around some of the forming water ponds. I gave Hina-san a look and we both giggled.

Suddenly Hina-san's face changed, the smile on her face vanished and she snatched her head to the back looking all defensive all of a sudden.

I took a look at were she was staring and saw a normal crowded street behind us.

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