Chapter 15: Smile!

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Youya's POV:

"Hina-san, you have to tell me!" I half yelled. We were sitting on my bed in the middle of the night.

"Youya-chan, please be quiet, you will wake them up!" Hina-san said in almost a whisper. I and her were the only ones awake after our conversation stretched and made us stay up this late without realizing. A mild breeze came from the wide-open window that was just right by my bed.

I sighed and turned my gaze to study the shining stars in the pitch-black sky through the dark-framed wooden oak window. Countless dots littered the scene, making me calm down and reorganize my thoughts.

"'s just, Ayane-san is definitely depressed and I want to help" I said in such a calmer voice now. "But I can't if you won't tell me what's wrong"

Hina-san looked surprised at what I said before giving a light smile. She stayed quiet for a moment and looked a bit hesitant before she spoke again.

"I don't have the right to tell you without Ayane-san's permission, but I guess it's fine just this time". She said as she shifted her gaze from the stars to my curious eyes. I looked back at her amethyst eyes that reflected the beauty of the night sky.

"Ayane-san is a daughter of one of the servants that served the queen in the palace" she said slowly

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"Ayane-san is a daughter of one of the servants that served the queen in the palace" she said slowly.

"She..... was a servant?" I asked carefully.

"N-no no, not really, her mother was a servant, yes, but she had a normal life in the palace with the rest of the servants' children"

"The person we are searching for is, um well, her brother" Hina-san continued, unsure of how she was going to describe their relationship. "Not her real brother, since she is the only child, but a boy who had grown up with her and under the care of her......m-mother" I caught the slight glimpse of the tension that escorted the mention of Ayane-san's mother.

"She's dead" said Hina-san as if she could read minds. I tensed a bit.

"O-oh" I stumbled to say. "That gotta be so hard for Ayane-san, no wonder she's depressed" I added, trying to sound sharp. No dip sherlock :/

"Well yeah, you're not wrong, but that's not the only reason". Hina-san said to my confusion. She quickly tried to change the subject and to continue with the main point.

"The boy's name is Kuro, well it's the name he is known for, I don't know his real name. But I do know that he is a very powerful and dangerous black magician" she said with a serious voice.

I recalled the events that occurred the day I met Rin. The overwhelming pressure and the heartless cruelty. Everything seemed to fall in its place now.

"Why would you want to find such a scary boy? Apart from him being Ayane-san's family and all, of course" was the first thing I could think of.

"Well, I'm not sure of Ayane-san's motives, but for me, I need to stop him" stop him? What did she want to stop? And how did she plan to stop that terrifying magic powers in the first place?!

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