Chapter 1 [~|~] The Boy in the Iceberg

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A.N. I do NOT own the illustration. But this is what I pictured Azara looking like. 

Azara leaned on the railing of the Fire Navy ship, staring down at the icy waters as the ship continued to plow forwards. Some of her dark hair was pulled back into a traditional Fire Nation top knot, the rest fanning around her as another breeze blew by. Her gold eyes stared with disinterest as another iceberg floated around the ship.

She could hear Zuko arguing with their uncle, but she had learned how to tune him out a long time ago. Honestly, Zuko's sourness was just his personality at this point, ever since he had been banished. If she weren't so intent upon staying as far from her father as she could, she would have returned home months ago.

Her father had not been initially supportive of her desire to join Zuko on his expedition that was doomed to fail from the start. But, Azara, with the help of Uncle, had managed to convince her father that it would be good experience for her future role in the Fire Nation. She had mentioned something about how touring the world would give her insight into the weaknesses of the other nations, a line that had immediately pleased her father.

It had been nearly three years since Zuko had been banished and Azara knew that she should expect a letter or messenger from her father soon regarding her journey. While Ozai had every intention of letting his son search the world for the rest of his life for the Avatar, Azara knew that her father had other plans for her.

From a young age, Azara and her twin sister Azula had quickly taken to firebending. Both were highly accomplished in firebending, far better than Zuko, and had thereby gained Ozai's attention. Azara wasn't particularly sure what role her father had in mind for her, especially considering Azula was much more cutthroat and staunchly loyal than Azara had ever been, but she knew she did not want to be associated with him anymore.

Frankly, she had been on the same path as Azula since she was born. They did everything together, trained together, took lessons together. They were inseparable. Then their mother disappeared. While Azula seemed unbothered by their mother's disappearance, Azara had been more distraught. It was no secret that Ozai was far from a doting father, save for when he would praise their firebending. Azara distanced herself more from her father afterwards.

Then, the Agni Kai happened. Zuko had challenged a battle plan from one of their father's generals and was forced to fight in an Agni Kai for his honor. Of course, once he saw that his challenger was his father, Zuko begged for forgiveness on his hands and knees. Ozai had not cared and had left a permanent scar on Zuko's face as a reminder of his dishonor.

Despite the fact that Zuko was her older brother, Azara had felt protective of him after the Agni Kai and the subsequent fallout. She had been horrified when Ozai had scarred his own son. When the opportunity to get away from her father appeared, Azara was quick to beg her uncle to help her get away from the Fire Nation and her father.

Suddenly, a beam of blue light appeared in the sky, startling Azara and causing her to look up from the glacial waters. She could see Zuko arguing with their uncle again as the light disappeared, leaving no trace of its existence.

"Helmsmen, head a course for the light!" Zuko yelled, prompting Azara to push off the bar and walk towards her older brother.

"What do you think it was, Zuko?" Azara asked as Zuko turned to glare at her.

"Obviously, the Avatar," Zuko scoffed, prompting Azara to roll her eyes at her brother.

"Yes, because we're such experts on finding the Avatar," Azara replied dryly, accepting a cup of tea from Uncle. She could nearly see the steam pouring out of Zuko's ears at her statement, and the sight made her smirk.

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