Chapter 6: Adamantly Steadfast

Start from the beginning

Khushi gritted her teeth. "That's none of your business!"

"Is it not? I mean my brother is dating a girl, who doesn't give two hoots about him. And is in fact, going around kissing other people. That is really worrisome."

"Of course I care for him! How could you even say that?! And why are you blaming me? Clearly you seemed to have enjoyed yourself!"

"Says who?"

"Says me! If not, why didn't you say something? Why did you just stand there and enjoy the show?"

"Where did you give me the chance to speak? You had this perfectly rehearsed monologue going."

Khushi's eyes flared. "It would have taken you two seconds to cut me off, but you didn't. So think twice before you point fingers at me!"

"I did. But since you don't believe me, how about we go ask Akash whose fault it was?"


"Why the shock? It's for the best – honesty is the way to go in every relationship."

Khushi tried to keep her building rage in check. With each passing moment, the stranger's good looks were quickly being exchanged for his irksome comments. "And what do you know about relationships? You don't even care how hurt Akash will be, when he finds out what happened!"

"So let's get it over with then."

Khushi couldn't believe her ears. She detested the arrogant grin on his face, as if he knew he was getting to her and was actually relishing in it. "Unlike you, I actually care for him. So it's in your best interest to keep your mouth shut."

"You know," he said. "That to me looks like guilt."

"And why would I be guilty?"

"Because you enjoyed that kiss more than you should. And now you don't want to face Akash. Accept it!"

She stared at him in disbelief. "You are so full of yourself! You actually think you are such a good kisser?"

"Yup – I have gotten some very good compliments for it."

"You are disgusting."

The man shrugged. "You would say the same, if it wasn't for your ego."

Khushi rolled her eyes. "I am done with you. Whatever happened was a mistake, so let's just forget it right here and right now."

And with that she strode out of the room, when-

"It was nice meeting you birthday girl!"

She turned around to glare at his smirking face and said, "Let's hope for your sake, we never meet again, because the birthday girl doesn't give second chances."

* * *

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Lavanya yelled, pulling Khushi into a bear hug. "Where were you? I looked everywhere! And why do you look like you just ran for a mile?"

Khushi took a deep breath, trying to force anger out of her mind. She wished beyond hope that no one ever found out what transpired in that darkened room. Things were bad enough between her and Akash, without his flirtatious brother in the picture. Of course, it was another thing that her hopes were solely dependent on that irritating man's mood.

"Is everything okay?" Lavanya asked, watching her face. "And what were you doing upstairs? You do know that this party was organized for you?"

"Yes, Lavs, I know! I was looking for Akash... but I think I went in to the wrong room. There was no one there."

"Oh well," Lavanya said nonchalantly, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the hall. "It's time to cut the cake. People are waiting!"

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