Chapter 7: Summoner Knight

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Episode 7
Rina's P.O.V
I have successfully sped walked past Rin. Huh? Shiemi!
Rina: "Shiemi? What are you doing? Did you trip?"
Shiemi: "Umm. Yeah."
I helped her up. Then she walked away.
Rin: "Was that Shiemi?"
Rina: "Yeah."
We're having a boot camp. UGH! Since I'm already a knight, I might as well put knight on the sheet.
"What's a meister?"  I was hanging around Suguro and his crew.
Rina: "You really don't know what a meister is?"
Rin: "Eheh."
Then Konekomaru explained everything.
Konekomaru: "So technically Rina is a knight, because she fights with a sword."
Then we did s'more explaining.
We needed to summon a demon. Wow. That should be easy.
"By the power within me, red, black, green, blue... "
I summoned a... small red-winged owlcat. and a Coatl Dragon?!
Why is everyone staring at me.
"A baby red-winged owlcat, and a baby turquoise Coatl Dragon. Good work Ms. Okuyama."
Rina: "Uh? Thanks?" IT LOOKS SO KAWAII. It had red feathers under it's wings, it had puffy soft black fur, it's face was an owl, with fur! Then the coatl dragon had greenish scales, and turquoise feathers on it's head and wings!
"Hmmm. It's a female. For it's surprising vivid colors I was sure it was male. You're lucky you got 2 flying kinds Ms.Okuyama. "
Rina: "Thank you."
"Well it seems we have our tamers."
Oh god. Now I have added tamer to my list. Well, so far there's only knight and tamer.
I was walking peacefully down the halls when.
Rina: "Yuki?"
She started gasping for breath.
Rina: "What are you doing here?"
Yuki: "I've become a student with you."
Rina: "Okay. I will not ask any questions right now."
Rina: "We're hosting it here?!"
Yukio: "Yeah I mean it's pretty convenient. So why not."
Rina: "Ugh. Fine."
Yuki: "You seem a little off today."
Rina: " I just feel bad for Shiemi. She's running around like a maid. And errand girl."
Then they finally came. Izumo told Shiemi to hold her bag.
Rina: "Oh I'm gonna-"
Yuki: "Not now..."
Test is over. I feel like dying. Izumo, Noriko, and Shiemi went to go take a bath. And then Renzo said they should take a peek.
Yuki: "I'll be right back."
Suguro: "Where are you going?"
Yuki: "The bathroom."
Yukio: "Why?"
Yuki: "To hurl."
Rina: "I mean -_- this conversation went somewhere I never thought it would go."
I'm just going to go check on Shiemi. See how she's suffering.
She was just standing there, outside the bathroom. And Rin was... behind me?! Ugh. Whatever.
Rina: "Shiemi?"
Rin: "Are you all right?"
Siemi: "I'm fine. Just going to go and get some fruitmilk."
Rin: "Stop acting like that."
Shiemi: "Like what?"
Rina: "Like her errand girl."
Shiemi: "I'm not her errand girl. I'm just trying to help out a friend!"
Rin: "Do you honestly believe that? You know you don't!"
Shiemi: "I-I'm tired being the one who needs help always hiding behind others. I just want to... be like you, Yuki, Yui, and Rina! To help someone out for a change! She is the first friend I've ever had in my whole life! You two don't get it because you've always been strong. You've always had friends!"
Rina: "Oh my..."
We ran after her, when whe finally caught her...
Rina: "Uh... Rin."
Rin: "Shiemi stay there, Rina and I will handle this!"
We barged in. Rin and I couldn't show our swords so we had to fight it without it.
"Young Prince. Young Princess."
Damn you!
Rin was being choked by him. What am I supposed to do?! If I brought out my sword, then they'll see I'm a demon. So... I pushed that thing off him. Then Yukio and Yuki came in with their guns. Thank goodness.
Izumo was crying, she was also in her underwear. So Rin gave her his shirt. I'm not surprised.
Off to bed I go!
- end

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