Chapter 15: Amaimon

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Episode 15
Rin you idiot. I can't show them. You can't show them. This is going to be bad.
Suguro: "I'm helping you whether you like it or not!"
He did help him but, it didn't die. It chased after us. I don't remember much about Yuki and I's past. I don't remember our human parents' personalities. I don't remember what happened before the incident 2 years ago. Why'd you have to stab me Yuki. I have Amnesia now. It sucks not remembering anything.
"If you two want to take down Satan, you might need some help."
"Don't forget you guys' have friends."
"Rin, Rina we're here for you."
They're the best. They remind me of... of... ugh. I can't remember.
Suguro: "Hey rina what's wrong."
Rina: "Just a lot on my mind. That's all."
HE attacked again. Amaimon. However you spell it!  I don't care. He really pisses me off.
Shura: "Rina. Here."
She threw me a gun.
Shura: "You can use one of those right?"
Rina: "I think so.."
Shura: "I forgot. You have memory loss."
Everyone: "Memory loss?!"
Shura: "Well I can tell you that you were an amazing shooter when you were 11. "
Rina: "Yeah that's great."
I reloaded it. I can't explain everything to the rest right now. The only reason I know about my brother going into the hospital, is because my brother told me. All the things I've said about the past. I didn't remember. It was all told to me from my sister, brother, and mother. They said my Father died when I was 11. The day Yuki stabbed me. That's all I remember. Apparently I was studying to become an Exorcist and I became one on my 14th birthday. All the people here. They keep triggering something, but I don't know what. It's like when I heard Shura's voice again, I remembered my memories meeting her. There are some things Yuki doesn't tell me. But right now. I have no time in thinking about that.
They tried calling the teachers. and Yukio. But they weren't getting through to them. So I tried to call Yuki.
Renzo: "If it doesn't work with our phones why do you think it works with you-"
Yuki: "Hello?!"
Rina: "Yuki are you okay?"
Yuki: "By okay do you mean-"
I got cut off.
Rina: "Shit."
Moriyama started to walk away.
Everyone: "Moriyama?"
Rina: "Oh no. The moth. It laid an egg. And now that it's hatched."
Then HE came back and explained everything. Rin tried to stop him, but we didn't stopped him.
Shura: "Rina I can tell you one thing from your past."
Rina: "Huh?"
Shura: "You were always the kind of kid who'd go and save others and risk your life. I'm happy you're still like that kid. NOW GO!"
I ran. Ran after him. There's something about Shiemi, something about her that I can't let go of. I need to save her, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't.
He said he was going to marry her. I am not letting you marry a girl like her, she deserves someone better than you.
Rin and i tried to stop him, but we got blown away.
Rina: "Ow... "
Rin: "Are you okay?"
Rina: "Not really."
Amaimon: "Yoo hoo. You there."
Rina: "Ugh."
Then the 3 of them came. No. They're going to get hurt. They shot one firework at Amaimon. His hair fluffed up. And now he's pissed. He hurt two of them. And now he was about to break Suguro's neck.
Rina & Rin: "NO! STOP IT!"
We had no choice, if we wanted to save the people who were our friends, we needed to unleash the swords.
Yuki & Yukio: " NO! Don't do it! It's a trap!"
Rina: "i can't keep lying to them! If I don't tell them now. Our friendship with them will be a waste!"
Rin: "I want to show my power."
We unleashed the swords, blue fire, ears, teeth, tails. Were all showing. Amaimon was laughing like a maniac. I can regret this later.
Then we fought. Two on one, we may have 2 against 1 but it was still hard.
We tried to stab it, but he grabbed Rin's tail. Really? Can't you tuck it in. Ugh.
Amaimon: "Oh the beautiful bride of Satan's son has arrived."
Rina: "Screw you!"
We kept fighting, switching off and on.
Rina: "Rin if we keep fighting like this, who knows what'll happen."
Rin: "I DON'T CARE!"
Can't be helped. Fighting against him is our only hope.
Yuki's P.O.V
Yuki: "I never thought this day would come."
Rina's P.O.V
Rin's sword was breaking.
Rina: "Rin! You have to think this through!"
He wasn't listening. We got so made all our power went haywire. Blue light was everywhere. And Amaimon was flying over and crashed into a tree.
Are you satisfied yet? Jeez. I can't believe him.
Wha. Rin got consumed. Ugh. He sliced the cuckoo clock in half. This is bad. He's been taken over. Rin. You have to snap out of it. You idiot.
- end

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