Chapter 12: Pervert Kid

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Episode 12
"I'm so sorry I'm so late!"
I'm going to hurl after all these guys aren't I. I mean Yuki is trying to hold it in.
"Shi-Shiemi where's yo-your kimono!"
Shiemi: "I asked the director to get me a uniform. Because kimonos aren't the best thing to wear on missions. Oh and also Izumo was teaching me how to wear it right."
Izumo: "Like that's my job."
Shiemi: "Umm. It doesn't look funny on me. Does it?"
Renzo: "Oh my, you sure look cute Moriyama."
Yuki: "I can't take it anymore Rina."
Everyone looked at Yuki.
Rina: "Then. Go."
Then Yuki started to throw up into a trash can.
Suguro: "What's wrong with her?"
Rina: "You people, acting all perverted."
Then I started to throw up in the trash can.
Yuki: "When did I have pizza?!"
Rina: "OMFG Yuki really?!"
I started to walk back.
Rina: "That was just scary."
Yukio: "Anyways you'll all be pairing up in groups of two for today. Yuki and Rina." And then he said the rest.
Yukio: "We're looking for a mischievous ghost. You all will be tracking it down. The whole park is sealed off, so you have all day to look for the ghost. If you find it call me or Mr. Tsubaki."
-Insert the rest of what he said here-
Rina: "Are you sure you're alright?"
Yuki: "Yeah!"
Rina: "How are we supposed to find this ghost anyways."
Yuki: "I don't know."
Rina: "Of course you wouldn't. You haven't seen this thing before."
We got to the Merry Go Round. Rin and Shiemi were on the other side.
Yuki: "It's here."
We jumped on board and got to the other side. Shiemi and Rin were surprised when we reached the same place as them.
Rina: "I guess you found it too huh?"
Then it stopped. And there was a little ghost boy. Crying.
When it hugged Shiemi. It... XD I can't even explain. But it was hilarious. Yuki and I ran after it. We were so tired. We ran into the mirror room. It grabbed my hair band. No way. It was true, my hair was down. OH YOU LITTLE! It grabbed Yuki and I's jackets. I feel so violated. But where the hell did it put them. Shiemi came in, we all tried to catch it. Suddenly I sensed something. Blue flames. I went to go check on Rin while those 2 tried to catch the ghost.
He was showing his flames, but his sword was in someone else's hands.
Rina: "RIN!"
???: "Oh and look here." He grabbed my sword.
Rina: "Hey!" He kept putting it in and out. He did it with me and Rin's sword. Ugh. Then he unleashed both of our swords and double weilded. Rin and I's flames were showing now.
Rin: "Why're you here anyways!"
???: "Oh I was bored so I just came to play."
Rin and I tried to catch him.
"So the other day, I had some free time and went to the beach."
Rina: "Nobody cares!"
Suddenly the rollercoaster came. Rin and I jumped. Then that guy flicked our foreheads and we smashed to the ground.
Rina: "Rin... at this rate everyone's going to know."
Rin and I got really mad, our blue flames grew bigger and bigger. Yes, this guy pissed us off.
Rina: "Shiemi!"
Rin saved her.
Suddenly he was about to break our swords until...
"Slay the serpent!" That voice. I-I know... that voice.
He gave us the swords back. Then she ran off.
"Hide the tails will ya!"
I did. I don't know about Rin though.
"Rin. We should really come back here someday."
Rina: "Th-that's adorable."
Rin: "R-Rina."
Then... black out.
Yuki's P.O.V
Yuki: "RINA!"
Then that person in the hoodie came.
Yuki: "SHURA!"
Shura: "Been awhile since I've seen you."
-Insert the rest here-
Shura: "Woah. That's Rina?"
Yuki: "YES IT'S RINA!"
Shura: "I've never seen her hair down, I didn't even recognize her."
Shiemi: "She looks beautiful with her hair down."
Yuki: "Rin are you just going to stare at Rina the whole time or help?!"
Rin: "R-right. Sorry."
- end

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