Pink Skies 25

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Sam had helped his mother bandage Dean as she attended to Rania alone. After explaining what they had encountered, Sam leaving out his heated conversation with the other Rania, Sauvegarde,she calmed slightly,simply glad that Rania was there for them. Mary was confused though, as she bathed the unconscious Rania, who's hair was more pink than red, her rose tattoos were wilting. As of they were actual roses, many pink petals, with large spots of brown, filled the bath. Mary was startled wondering if something was wrong, her hand covering her mouth holding back a startled gasp.

Mary thought to ask one of her sons,but decided to wait till she woke. Sam would panic, Jack would create something horrid and Dean would go ballistic if they thought she was in any harm. So she assumed it was best to wait, especially since Rania would need rest and not them bothering her.

Rania's well being was her main concern despite her son's behavior. The girl was unaware of the many dangers of the Winchester family, yet she seemed to be taking the dangers of their life well. Mary wished that the one girl who she viewed as her daughter would have never got hurt. Even if they were too blind to notice how it wore the fire out of her, Mary saw that with each hunt Rania was getting closer and closer to a certain darkness within her. The red head girl, Sauvegarde, the way she would look at them. Those dark red eyes reminded her of pools of blood, pain and so much torture, each time she appeared Rania seemed to suffer.

"You can not protect them," she whispered to the girl,"not even I."


"Oh isn't it lovely?," a soft voice asked as Rania opened her eyes to a dark starry sky.

"Yes godess it is," another replied as Rania saw a curvy figure with dark pepper and purple hair. Next to her stood two women, one with a third eye the other with long locks.

"Rania your up," another woman stated as she sat up seeing a woman who looked like her but taller, thicker more adult with cotton candy hair and purple eyes.

"Yomeja she is new to this," another sighed who had black hair and platinum down the middle.

"Well she is a new goddess of light, there aren't many of us and we need her strong," the cotton candy Yomeja stated grabbing Rania close as she stared into her purple eyes.

"Wake up, the darkness comes to steal you," was all she heard as she scrunched her face up in confusion.

"Wake up," they snapped in a hushed voice," strike him down again," the others began to join in on the chant.

"Darkness?," she asked confused shoving their hands off of her,"just who are you?," Rania questioned as she began to see her skin catch bright purple fire. As their eyes watched her with joy, fear filled her as she felt a swell of power flow in her making her back burn even more.

"You are a goddess," the cotton candy haired woman stated watching her wither in agony as the others continued to chant,"fight it."


Rania yelled in pain sitting up as the stars faded, as darkness filled the room. The door slammed open revealing Sam and Mary followed by Jack then Dean who stumbled inside.

"Are you alright?," Mary asked sitting next to the confused young woman.

"," Rania sighed curling up to Mary.

"What happened?," Jack asked sitting at her feet.

"I think I have fallen too deep in my mind," she whispered as they looked at her confused.

"Oh you've been dreaming," Dean stated softly sitting on her other side.

"What did you dream of?," Mary asked cautiously.

"I saw a man...he was of pale skin and a beard..Chuck," she stated as the all looked surprised yet she did not notice it as she rang her hands,"and then I saw these...goddesses and one named Yomeja she called me something," she sighed trying to recall.

"Goddesses?," Sam asked.

"She called me a goddess of light, she warned me," Rania rambled yet her mind could not recall much more. The others eyed each other wairly. Concern filled them as they thought of the goddess yet her mentioning Chuck could not mean anything good.

"Rania what were you and this...Chuck guy doing?," Dean asked.

"He was pushing me on a swing as these...giants watched us," she explained causing the brothers to stare at each other.

"Angels," all three Winchesters whispered among themselves.

"Oh pleasant, like Castiel," she stated softly.

"Yeah how about you go find breakfast, Mom will cook," Dean stated as she bounced off to the kitchen they sat in silence.

"God,angels and goddesses what the fuck is going on here?," Dean asked out loud breaking the silence.

"I...I suppose she is remembering," Mary stated.

"Remembering what?," Sam asked confused as his mother sighed standing.

"When you guys brought her back she had...roses falling off of her...dark roses I think that thing she turns into knows something and it's leeking into her," Mary explained," everytime she's red things get darker."

"True that doves blood was dark magic," Sam stated as Mary looked confused.

"When we found her Castiel did a spell to heal her, make her pink," Jack explained," it seems as if she can not revert between forms without some help."

"Who's helping her?," Dean asked.

"Certain emotions," Sam stated,"that's the only time we saw her."

"Well not entirely," Mary pondered,"Dean did it."

Dean looked at them confused until he recalled his first meeting with Sauvegarde.

"How?," Dean asked as everyone reply would an exasperated sigh.

"You should know," Mary said trying to be soothing as she rubbed his hand a light bulb seemed to go off in his head.


To say the things were not fairing well was an understatement, despite everything that they have tried to do to get their hands upon the property of hell, it was useless. Asmodeus had already killed his share of demons out of blind anger.  If anybody came to realize what power had been lost he doubted that the Angels would not come to hell and destroy what little bit was left of their dark paradise.

'Forget angels,' he sighed to himself in disgust as black blood and charred flesh covered his once pristine suit.

'What if Lucifer is out there and carches wind of her being alive?,' fear slinked down his spine settling in the pit of his stomach. The only one who could be of any help was one of his brothers. Although the chances of them fighting him to rule was a quite possible occurrence

"Awaken Azazel," he sighed deeply hearing no reply he looked up slamming his fist into the thrown of hell in anger,"Damn it their all dead."


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