Pink Skies 23

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Rania sat up frightened from her nightmares again. Her door barged open showing Sam and Dean who turned the lights on. Rania couldn't hear anything they were saying,their lips moved too fast as Sam held her in place and Dean smacked her causing her jaw to snap shut on her tongue. Rania didn't realize she was still screaming until then as both brothers drop to their knees on either side of the bed.

Her eyes glowed pink as Sam and Dean were being weighed down by her fear. They saw demons and people being tortured,babies devoured and so much worse. Rania began to vomit onto her lap causing the brothers to panic again confused as to what was occurring. Rania was trying not to remember something,she repressed it deeply refusing to acknowledge it. Yet something was forcing her to remember. It was wretched and disgusting and she was the master mind behind it.

'What if Dean was right?,'She asked herself,'what if I am a demon bound for hell?'

Sam picked up Rania not caring for the dripple of vomit that was on his shoulder. Dean removed the soaked sheets as they ran bath water for the pink girl.

"Hurry Sammy!," Dean yelled as he grabbed the herbs and crystals trying to say the chant but he was too scared. Her eyes began to bleed as blood poured from her mouth she reached for him.

"Samuel," Rania called out hoarsely as Dean snatched the book from Sam and did the chant. Finally the blood stopped as Rania relaxed into the water. Sam sat on the toilet seat as Dean left out of the bathroom. He couldn't do it anymore,Rania was struggling with something and he felt weak not being able to help someone he loved. The words stopped him momentarily as Sam ran out to him in only his pajama pants,no shirt or shoes.

"Where are you going?," Sam snapped grabbing Dean's shoulder,"she needs us."

"I can't do it," Dean said pushing Sam away," we're bound that thing," Dean said thinking of what he saw,"and it'll drag us to hell like the monster it is becoming,you think that's what dad wanted?," he asked.

"Dean we failed her once,we can't do this again," Sam pleaded,he couldn't do this alone, she needed the two people who truly cared for her she was scared. Rania heard Dean,the words tore into her heart,disgust filled her. Pink ords roamed her stretch marks,her fatty parts ...her scars,she felt us ugly as she looked,a freak,a thing...a monster.

"Dean,Dean!," Sam called as his brother pulled off to go anywhere but there.

Sam heard a bang as he quickly walked in seeing Rania on the bathroom floor soaking wet. She was bawling laying in the glass of the broken mirror.

"Ania," Sam called out as she moved away from me.

"I'm a monster Sam," she cried,"I'm a terrible monster."

Sam moved to her slowly as he scooped her up. Rocking her he kissed her head,not caring about the glass that dug into his skin.


Dean ordered another beer as the brunette felt on his chest talking nonsense. She freaked of vomit,her teeth were a dark shade as he smelled heavy alcohol.

He wanted to smell bubble gum and raspberries,he wanted bright pink coarse hair,and a wide bright smile with a missing tooth and happy smile so big her dazzling pink orbs closed tightly.

"Lets get out of here," she told him happily as he rolled his eyes but complied. He was willing to do anything to get her off his mind,he didn't want to think of her. He hated the girl was in his car,he thought of Rania in his front seat, eating pickles dipped in yogurt and making lame jokes. Reaching behind him he grabbed the dark liquor gulping it down as it burned his throat.

Soon they reached the run down cabin,Dean was surprised they made it alive with how fast he drove. Dean was stumbling in the worn wooden door, her mouth latched onto his as he swallowed his pride down,he wanted Rania. Dean was pushed back onto the bed he took his shirt off as he watched the girl undress. The moon shined on her as she spun he saw Rania with a flower crown on,her hair short falling around her ears,she wore a creamy lace top that had frill around the small sleeves with matching underwear and socks.

"Hi Deanie," she said walking towards him slowly.

"Your little meanie," he replied as she beamed in the moon light facing it.

"You know there's a moon goddess," she told him,"Yomeja Consí Lasianna Stella,she wrote a book on it,she taught me of it,it means moon,her right hand bears her mark of peace," she told him as she turned to him,"she ties all souls together."

Rania walked towards the bed straddling him as he leaned on his elbows looking at her,"Rania are you here?," he asked he had been gone two days only seeing Sam,who barely spoke to him aside from the ghoul case.

"My powers," she replied,"I'm here for you, " she told him interlocking their fingers as her lips crashed onto his,he moaned as his hips instinctively jerked up against her clothed entrance. Rania moaned as he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and squeezed holding her arse he grinded against her, he slapped her ass causing her to moan,her hooded pink eyes met his dark green ones. Her breathing was labored as he saw her raise her left hand,in her hand the red rope of fate as it burned brightly with his racing heart. It was no longer attached to him as he looked frightened.

"Nia, what are you doing?," he asked her as she stepped back from him.

"You are no longer bound to me," she said trying not to cry," when you love something," she said.

"You let it go," he finished, "no,don't let me go, I'll be there,I'm on my way," he said rushing to get his clothes.

"Its too late for that Deanie," she sobbed,"in the name of the goddess of Yomeja," she said holding the string high he went for it,"I release you," she said dropping it as it lost its red glow,the girl stood there in a daze as his soul felt the disconnection.

"Baby no," he said aloud as he was on his knees,but he wanted to be at Rania's feet,not this random woman. Grabbing his items he rushed to his car,slamming the door closed just in time as a body crashed against it. The woman transformed looking disfigured as he realized it was a ghoul.


Rania blew out the candles from her astral projection as she wiped her face of tears,this was the right thing to do.

He was disgusted by her and she had Sam but eventually she knew he'd want to go too. Grabbing the teddy bear Jack gave her she drifted off to sleep,not expecting her horrible nightmares to plague her again.

Yes Asmodeus watched her from afar,soon they'd have her back and keep her alive this time, she would give birth to Revelations...

the Mother of the Apocalypse.


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