Pink Skies 2

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Mary sat watching TV with Dean as Bobby and Sam went to get something to eat. Jack was upset at Dean for telling him that God wouldn't answer his prayer, so he was in his room sulking. So here they were sitting in silence, but Dean knew his mom and he knew she was about to lecture him for his actions.

"Just because you don't believe in God, does not mean he shouldn't, " she told him as he sipped his beer.

"Well I'm sorry if I think he's wasting his damn time, " Dean told her as she rolled her eyes heaven ward.

"Dean you can feel that way, but Jack, me, others, don't see God the way that you do, " Mary told him standing. Feeling a cold breeze, the lights flickered pink for a moment then went back to normal.

"What the hell was that?," Dean asked standing.

"This place is old Dean, it has angel and demon wardings," his mom said, "You're not getting out of this young man go in there and apologize to him, "she said pointing towards Jack's room.

"Fine, alright, " Dean said as he walked to Jack's room, Mary sat down glad that he listened. Yet she felt odd, not an uneasy odd, but completely calm. It was eerie considering that since she came back to life, she was always on her toes but now her spirit felt...calm. Writing it off as joy for her son apologizing she went back to the show.


Reaching the bunker, her pink cord was leading her to two places, a food joint, which she passed due to she did not want to draw attention to herself, and here which was locked down tight. Placing her hand against the metal door, she walked through it easily.Yet seeing a male she turned invisible,out of habit, and watched as the male stomped away to another room.  Seeing that the pink cord was attached to his wrist, she tugged it, as his arm moved he looked in her direction confused. Walking down the steps she held the many ruffles up, her bare bruised feet showing as she went to the room that noise was coming from, she saw an attractive woman. Short blonde hair, slim and greenish eyes focused on a show as she sat on her knees next to the woman.  Feeling slight anger from the woman, she released a feeling of calmness to calm her down, and visibly her rigid figure relaxed. As she got up she went to follow the other male.

"We're back, "  a tall male with long hair said carrying a bag with a fast food as an older man followed him. As the older man looked in her direction he shook his head.

"Who the hell are you?," he asked as she stood with fear the woman came into her side view.

"So funny," Mary said knowing he was referring to her not arguing with them for the greasy food they carried as the girl siged in relief that she was not seen.

"Next time we'll get some Panera, " Bobby told her as they went to set the food out. She looked at the young long haired male, seeing the pink cord attached to his wrist also, she tugged as it pulled him a few steps back.

"Light on your feet pretty boy, " the other male teased as a young boy followed behind him.

"I thought someone pulled me, " he told his brother as he rubbed his wrist. They all sat down and made light conversation as she watched them eat in fascination. They didn't seem like they needed her,they seemed quite normal yet watching them, she still felt a need to protect them.


Vote, comment, share and happy reading also I'll be back soon with more chapters.

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