Pink Skies 20

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May 1 2019

"I think it's safe to say we've failed Rania," Sam stated breaking the silence as they sat trying to pinpoint where the vampires could be.

"Sam no we haven't," Dean said hoping it would comfort his brother,but it obviously did not. Hearing pounding on the door the three turned around as they glanced at each other noticing neither of them expected company. Dean held a finger to his lips as Castiel and Sam grabbed weapons,he turned off the light. The pounding continued until the door burst open. Four figures stood in the door way as they entered Dean grabbed the last one,holding a knife to her throat. Castiel had the first one and Sam the second. The girl dropped to the ground her hands above her head.

"We come in peace!," she yelled as she was visibly shaking in fear.

"We're not aliens Bella," the man that Castiel held said to the girl on the ground.

"Why are you here?," Sam snapped angrily tightening his hold old the male he held.

"We're trying to help you get the pink girl," Bella said still on the ground.

"What did you just say?,"Sam and Dean asked in unison.

"The pink girl our leader, Satina,has her and...," the guy trailed off.

"Its not pretty,tell them Xavier," Bella told them gesturing to the guy that Castiel held.

"What do you mean?," Castiel asked.

"Satina is trying to make her a vampire," the blonde said,"Mark wants to save her."

"Janiya tracked you down and we thought it best that you kill Satina," Mark said as they looked at Sam and Dean.

"She's dying, " Bella said,"please save the little thing," she said.

"You two are  mated to a vampire?," Mark asked looking at the bruises around the brothers wrist.

"Why would you ask that?," Sam and Dean asked in  unison.

"Well when a vampires away from its mate too long those kind of marks appear. Its usually coordinates or words about where they are,the just  very small and engraved into the bruise,"Xavier explained. Dean and Dam turned to Castiel who shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm still learning," he said as they let the others go.

Janiya held their wrist as another bruise began to appear. It was faint yet readable.

"Save us,she has us in the woods," she read on Sam's bruise.

"There's a red truck and an old gas station, save us...please. We're going to die," she read on Dean's bruise as fear filled her eyes.

"That's on the way outta town,Pine Road, its desolate though,we have to hurry," Bella informed as they rushed out the two men stopped Sam and Dean.

"You're mated to the same female?," Mark asked.

"We are not mated at all," the brothers spoke in unison rushing out to Pine Road.


Rania vomited more blood as Satina fed her more blood, forcing her mouth open as she cut her wrist. Dark red blood poured into her mouth as Rania choked on the bitter taste.She was now leading her into a red rusted pick up truck. Her clan had abandoned her and she wanted to leave with her love before anyone else found her.

"Its ok baby, I'm here," Satina cooed rubbing bloody sweat covered  hands through her matted pink curls.

"," Rania choked out as blood trickled down her mouth. As Satina went to pull off yet she stopped seeing Bella standing before her. Getting out of the car she smiled at her friend, despite the blood that was her she hugged Bella tight.

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