A smirk was seen from Namjoon's face as he saw that Jimin was missing in the group. He couldn't help but roll his eyes. Jungkook noticed that and he knew what was it about when Namjoon's eyes rolled between their faces before his expression took a sarcastic tone.

"Stay there", Jin said as he got up and started to climb down the container, "We'll come down". And Namjoon followed him whilst Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok waited at the foot of that container.

As the moment Jin climbed down, he was pulled into a hug by the other three. " I missed you guys", Jin said with a laugh which others also agreed back with a laugh. It surely felt nice.

But Namjoon didn't come into the group hug, instead he was battling inside his head if he should also join in or not. But he himself knew that he wouldn't. Namjoon still held grudges which came as the first no matter how much he also wanted to get back up. He just couldn't help it.

When they finally broke the hug, there was only joy written on their faces, even Jungkook was also able to get blended with that joy. But all his worries slapped him on the face as he laid his eyes once again on Namjoon. His face was like an open book, still that same old guy. Jungkook could list out one by one the train of thoughts that played in Namjoon's mind.

"I guess you're having some problems?", Jungkook asked him as he ran his hand over his messy hair to tuck them behind that felt against his forehead carelessly due to the soft wind. He already knew the answer to it anyway.

Namjoon quirked his eyebrow at him and laughed to himself.

Jungkook still remembered like yesterday how Namjoon punched him in the face. He suddenly burned his thoughts away as he reminded himself that he had to move on.

"Care to tell why that Jimin isn't here?", Namjoon asked back amidst answering to Jungkook's question indirectly at the same time. The hint of evil was evident in his voice. What Jungkook thought was right.

"We don't know", Taehyung quickly replied as he spared a quick glance at Jungkook.

Not that shit again.

Even though he knew that this would've happened, he still felt uncomfortable.

"What do you have so much on Jimin?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You're picking up to no good"

Namjoon huffed as he put back the hood that was covering his head. "I knew that this would happen", and he took few steps towards Jungkook and stopped. "You should've also kept your ass in home Jungkook"

Jin suddenly jumped in between them yelling "Guys stop" with concern. But they were already locked up in their own gazes.

"No Jin-hyung", Jungkook knew that he had to stop whatever was between them right then and there. He knew that Namjoon was still clinging on to the past and he also knew that it was useless to fake what they actually felt. "Back off. I think we should actually end his problem here". Jin's eyes widened as well as the others. They didn't want to see another fight again. Especially because the reason for it didn't worth it.

"But-", Namjoon slightly pushed Jin off of the way before Jin could get the chance to finish his sentence and he continued his way towards Jungkook and stopped just two feet away from him. Yes, there was still hatred flaring in Namjoon's eyes and slowly his aura seemed to be causing Jungkook's temper too.

Jungkook just couldn't forget how Jimin jumped in for the fight for him and how he ended up with bruises and how he winced with pain. He didn't care about him but Jimin, he couldn't forget that. He could only imagine beating Namjoon back. But if that guy's attitude was changed at the moment, Jungkook would've given second thoughts too. But it was funny how Jungkook expected this kind of behaviour from him from the beginning. He bit back his arousing anger, he had to be calmer because he wanted the meet up to be a happy memory at the end even though he knew that it was impossible.

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