Journey to the Mistral(Chapter2)

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After rescuing Blake, Yang stays at her home at the patch, Blake is returning to Menagerie to visit her parents, meanwhile, Ruby and her friends are heading to Mistral to find Leonardo Lionheart, the headmaster of Haven Academy. Along their way to Mistral, they encounter a lot of Grimm, and now they are fighting a Geist Grimm in the forest.

Ruby, Geiz, and Y/n are in their armor while Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, and Tsukuyomi are helping them with some range, while Jaune stays afar from them and thinking how to defeat it. The Geist Grimm is hard to defeat because of its rock body and kept on swinging the rock pillar at them. 

Geiz: How are we going to defeating it!? *pant pant*

Ruby: Well, we will use any force to bring it down!

They kept on swinging their weapon and until now, Y/n found the weak spot of the Geist Grimm.

Y/n: Milady, we need to aim it at its head.

Ruby: What?

Y/n: That's its weak spot.

Geiz: How do you know and why didn't you tell us sooner!!

Y/n: My apologies, but I just notices, when Ms. Nora fires her weapon, I saw the Geist lifts its pillar and guard its face. 

Ruby: Alright, everyone aims it at its face!

They all shoot at the Geist Grimm's face but it blocks ever shot. Jaune came to them and say;

Jaune: I know how to gets its attention while you guys fire every shot!

All: Alright!

Jaune went to distract the Geist Grimm and Ruby, Y/n, and Geiz used their finisher to finish its legs, while Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, and Tsukuyomi used Dust bullets to destroy its arms. The Geist Grimm's rock body collapse down and flee its rock body, Ruby uses it scythe to range mode and shot the Geist Grimm. 

~~~At the village~~~

Ruby and her friends are meeting with the chief of the village, which they are currently speaking.

Chief: Thank you, young adventurers, that Grimm has been destroyed our crops and our resource. 

Ruby: You're welcome, chief.

Chief: Oh, if you heading to Mistral, you need to follow this path and it will lead you to Oniyuri village.

Ruby: Thank you, sir.

Chief: You're welcome.

Ruby and her friends continue their journey to Mistral. Against more Grimm along their way but they were followed by Ruby's uncle, Qrow, who is secretly following them, he even saw his niece changes into some weird armor around her but he proud of her. 

~~~Night time~~~

All of them are tired set up the tents at their area, Jaune and Pyrrha are practicing sword and shield while their future daughter is watching them, Geiz is sitting next to his mother while Ren preparing pancakes for them and some food for their friends. Only Ruby and Y/n are talking about the past riders.

Ruby: So, you're telling me that each of them has a corrupt version?

Y/n: Yes, and each of them has their own goal. As you can see, this Kamen rider from 2017.

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