Nobody likes being heartbroken

Start from the beginning

He became silent for a moment before sighing. "He doesn't deserve you, Ji Hee. You should move on, not for him but for yourself."

"I know, I'm moving on for myself, for peace. Nobody likes being heartbronen." I reminded myself again.

No one likes being heartbroken, no one. The pain is just too much when you imagined the only person to hold your heart becomes the person who breaks it. It didn't really hurt this way when we broke up even. Maybe if he didn't barge into my apartment that day, I would've never moved on because I'd not be hurt at all. No, maybe if I didn't show up to that blind date spot that day, I wouldn't have cried so much over his name.

I would've convinced myself and understood that he just wanted me to move on. But he barged in that day, the way he said I was nothing but a misunderstanding killed me. All those special moments, all those promises of a staying by me for a lifetime, all that possessiveness, all those cute things meant nothing to him. I meant nothing to him. He didn't bother even apologising. He didn't even bother to send me off that day. He didn't even once think that he is losing me after having me around me all those years.

How me leaving America didn't kill him like I thought it would, killed me. I expected too much. I knew what Chance and I had was too good to be true, however, I didn't expect it to turn into a nightmare from a daydream.

"That's good, you might end up having your own fairytale life-"

I cut him off "That's what I thought when I met Chance. I don't think I'm going to believe a guy anytime soon."

"Jiji..." He trailed off, "Don't lose hope, not everyone's the same."

"I'm tired of hearing those words." I said as I stared at the wallpaper of my laptop. It was a candid picture of Chance and I that Mitch took. Somehow I couldn't change it. I know I should but that's the last picture I have of us after deleting his pictures, our pictures and his number from my phone and my laptop. The only proof that Chance and I were something is this picture.

He sighed, "Let's pretend that jerk doesn't exist."

"Which jerk doesn't exist?" I could hear Chance's faded voice getting loud, coming nearer.

I missed his voice. The voice which was once my favourite song that I could listen to every damn moment. I miss how he- No, Ji Hee, get yourself together and get over him.

I glance at my laptop's wallpaper and sigh as I changed it, holding my phone still pressed to my ear. Once I changed it to Bangtan's group picture, their smiles made me smile. You can do this, girl, I motivated myself.

"I will call you later," I told Mitch.

I can hear him nodding literally, "Okay, talk to you later, Jiji."

"Was it-" Chance's voice faded away into a beep as I hung up. I looked at the ceiling as tears sprung to my eyes. I could do this but it's so damn hard. He gave me so much to remember to forget him easily.

"Ji Hee, you know, whenever you miss me, don't miss me because I'll make sure to spend every moment with you," Chance said as he looked up at the sky with me. We were stargazing together, standing in his balcony. The stars were barely visible but I swear I saw a galaxy in his eyes.

I chuckled, "Why are you getting cheesier day by day?"

"Someone once said, express everything you can while you have the time and I want to do it." He turned to me.

I looked up at him, meeting his electric blue eyes, "We won't ever be apart, right?"

"Nope, I'm not going to give you away to anything as stupid as distance," He ruffled my hair.

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