Glass of emotion

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Warning: Minor character death
After it happened, Daigo didn't feel particularly sad. He didn't feel happy either. It wasn't as if he was empty, but he wasn't full either.

A glass half full. Or a glass half empty.

He felt the latter.

It fit him. He wasn't empty, but it was as though something was taken from him, something missing. He didn't cry. He just sat there. The sound of the flatline was white noise. The sound of the comforts from the nurses didn't even register to him.

His parents? Not sure. Usually he'd be happy they came to visit, but the reason for their arrival wasn't so happy. His mother cried. His father held him and his mother close without any words Though once they arrived home later that day, from the darkness of his room Daigo could hear them arguing.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The glass filled a bit more as Daigo slowly started to process everything.

A week later, his mother said he didn't have to go to school. On any other day he'd be happy to stay. But he shook his said, said he'd be fine. His mother had reluctantly accepted, telling him to inform a teacher if he wanted to return home.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Daigo woke up much earlier than he usually does. 3AM to be exact. He sat there in his bed. The glass was filling up slowly but surely, though he didn't feel to different.

Not particularly sad, but not happy.

Daigo got why his mother said he didn't have to go to school. News spreads quick, he supposed. Students staring in the halls, pity glances from his classmates and teachers. He escaped to the roof during lunch.

He had forgotten Doomscizor at home. Must have slipped his mind. The atmosphere was heavy. Dull. Nobody talked, or even practiced much. They sat in silence, eating their lunch while glancing at him occasionally. Once the bell signaled the return to class, his club had stood, Shu patting a hand on his shoulder silently as he passed.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

He wasn't particularly sad.

Rantaro had nodded in understanding towards him as he passed.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

He wasn't happy either.

Valt whispered that he was welcome to come over anytime as he passed.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

He wasn't sad.

Wakiya completely stopped in his tracks when he was about to pass.

He wasn't happy.

The other members paused and turned.


He wasn't sad.

"Let it out."

He wasn't happy.

"It's ok to cry."


The glass overflowed. It was overwhelming. It all came to him so fast.

He wasn't sure when he dropped to his knees, or when his friends gathered him in a group hug.

But he was sure of one thing.

He was gone.

Just a short thing to prove that I'm not dead. I have so many drafts for this and my other beyblade story that need to get finished and edited, so bear with me please.

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