What do you think of me?

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Me? Updating this? Nahhhhhh................


Where Daigo thinks about his first impressions, evolved impressions, and current impressions on people that left some sort of impact on him.

When Daigo first formally met him he was in the gym. They had a free period and Daigo took the time to get in some bey training. Sure, it was going to be a while before districts started again but he needed a distraction. Ryota had been admitted to the hospital not too long ago and it was keeping his nerves on edge.
But before he could actually get the stadium out of the supply closet, a scoff came from behind him. Daigo paused but didn't bother turning around. He couldn't care less about whoever felt like bothering him.

"Ah, so you're the broody emo kid everyone has been talking about."

Daigo rolled his eyes at the nickname. It was true that he's been acting darker and dreadful since the situation with Ryota started, but then again, why would he care what they thought?

"If you have a good reason for being here then get to the point, and if you don't then hurry up and leave." The raven hair turned to face the person. His blond hair and sharp blue eyes really stood out against his fancy looking purple outfit. And his smirk put one thought into Daigo's head.

'This guy is an annoying, full-of-himself, snob.'

"Don't be like that. Besides, this closet is accessible to all students. You have no right to tell me to leave. And even so, you wouldn't want to make me upset. I'm Wakiya Murasaki, next in line for the head of the Murasaki company." Wakiya let out a huff.

"Did I ask?" Daigo turned around again and continued heaving a bey stadium free to use.

"So rude. You should be thankful I'm even speaking to you. Why're you being so unlikeable?" Wakiya tsk'd and leaned against the closet door. He had a smug look.
"As if you aren't being unlikeable. And none of your business."

"Eh, whatever. Not like I care. I'm here to ask you about something." Wakiya got serious and Daigo can almost feel his sharp blue eyes staring at him. Daigo set the stadium down and turned to face the blonde, sighing.

"Can you spit it out already? I have things to do."

"I've always heard that the emo kid was pretty tough when it came to beybattles. And with how unpleasant you are, your bond with your bitbeast must be strong, right?" Wakiya grinned, taking out his bey which happened to be in his pocket.

"Wyvron and I need a decent opponent. So what do you say?"

"I'll pass," Daigo spoke bluntly and reached to pick up the stadium again, but the bell signaling the end of free period sounded and Daigo let out a groan.

"You wasted my free time. Thanks."

After that meeting, Daigo always had the idea that Wakiya was an annoying, self-centered brat that relied on his status to intimidate people. But even so, Wakiya continued to catch Daigo at lunch, in between classes, and during gym. And even if they started warming up to each other and ended up being friends, in the end, nothing has changed about Daigo's opinion about Wakiya.

Well, maybe he thought that he was fun to be around. Sometimes. And maybe he was a pretty ok friend. Just maybe.
Daigo's first impression of Valt was that he was a loud and annoying amateur that wasn't going to get anywhere no matter what nonsense he spouted. He was fairly surprised when he had his battle with him. Sure, he was a loud and annoying amateur. But something clicked in him during their battle.
Ever since Ryota had gotten in the hospital he's been harsher with opponents and doing whatever tactic it took to win. But for once, he felt like he wasn't blading to win. He was actually having fun, resonating with his bey, and facing Valt's Valtryek. Valt had honestly changed him for the better.
As time went on, Daigo came to respect Valt more, not seeing him as that amateur blader everyone else saw.
After he had cheated in his match and decided to quit the beyclub, he never expected Valt to be one of the main reasons he joined back. It's like that kid had an aura around him that you can't help but follow and feel content around. And though he may seem like a kid with no talent, Daigo put his trust in him, especially during the team battles of the nationals.
Valt was a good guy. But he was still annoying. That wasn't going to change.
He wasn't too sure. His first impression had been before his battle with Valt. He had mixed opinions about the guy.
He seemed promising, a worthy opponent for his Doomscizor almost. But at the same time, he gave off the feeling that he was just another cocky blader who had no bite to back up their bark. After his battle with Valt, he saw Rantaro as Valt's sidekick, in a way.
Daigo didn't think too much about their relationship. I mean, he was in the beyclub because of Valt, and the same with Rantaro. So they never really interacted outside of Beyblade. As Valt started moving up in the districts, Daigo realized that he had something in common with Rantaro. Drawn in by Valt, though left behind in the rankings. This prompted them more time alone. While Valt did extra training and Ken handled his family's puppet shows, the 2 boys found themselves training together in the park. Daigo never thought much of it, but that training got them more comfortable around each other. They talked, joked, and occasionally vented. After Ken left, Rantaro mentioned to Daigo about his ability to tell when something was up with people,
and how he admired that.
Now he sees Rantaro as a fun and outgoing guy, who is pretty cocky at times. But under his tough attitude, he's a real softie and a good friend. Not bad at all.
Daigo had to admit that Ken seemed goofy to him at first. Watching him battle Valt proved that he was strong, but Daigo wasn't really feeling it. When Ryota told him about the puppet show, Daigo concluded that Ken was tough in the stadium but soft everywhere else.

Seeing him around school showed that he was always alone, the occasional stares coming from others in the hallway going to him. He looked vulnerable.
When Daigo was coaxed into joining the club, his opinion of Ken grew. He saw him as a pretty fun guy, keeping conversations light and entertaining with the help of his puppets. Though after joking with his friends, Daigo noticed the sad smile that usually rested on the ventriloquist's face.
From then on, Daigo became really good at reading Ken's mood, noting how his puppets hide his true emotion at most times.
While Valt and Rantaro goofed off, Daigo was left studying the longing look in Ken's eyes. Now more adjectives came to mind when looking at him. Thoughtful, Aloof, Caring...
A tad bit lonely.
The day they had their KOTC team battle with the Sword Flames, Daigo easily noticed that Ken was more aloof than normal. A sad look would cross his features for a second when looking at his teammates' arguments or battles. After the news, Daigo came to terms with all of the adjectives that described Ken and realized he didn't want to let him go that easily.
But he had to.
Once Ken was revealed to be on the Beasts, Daigo could almost see the newfound confidence that brimmed from the boy.

He'd always be the fun and caring Ken he knows, but he had to admit that whenever he got serious, it intimidated him.

Aaaa this was meant to be longer but writer's block is still tripping me up...

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