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Another one about hair. It's short cause I'm working on longer chapters

Daigo never expected himself to be alone with Valt. For some odd reason, the rest of the beyclub was too busy to come to practice. All on the same day too.
It was lunch break and the remaining pair were on the roof of their school, just sitting next to each other on the bench in comfortable silence. They had just finished battling and weren't sure what to do next with only the 2 of them. Not to mention that it was extremely hot, and they didn't want to do anymore training with how sweaty they were already.
Daigo wiped at his brow under his bandanna, sighing. He could take it off, but his long bangs would block his vision. The raven haired boy took off his sweater, wrapping it around his waist and hoping that he could cool down. He silently wondered how Valt was holding up, the bluenette still wearing his sweater and vest.
"Hhh, so hot....even my head feels hot." Valt mumbled, attempting to fan himself with his hands.
"Same." Daigo wiped his brow once again.
Valt shifted on the bench, his yellow dotted headband slipping off and making his spiky hair fall to it's natural state. Valt didn't even seem to notice, still attempting to fan himself.
The first thing Daigo noticed was how Valt's headband was an actual headband, just the same color as his hair so it blended in. The yellow spots made it seem like it was a beaded headband. The second thing Daigo noticed was...how does he put this in non-romantic sounding terms?
Cute? Hot? Pretty? Daigo didn't know.
Nice. I guess that worked, as long as it didn't sound like he was hitting on his friend. But if he was going to be honest...
"Oh!" Valt's voice brought Daigo away from his thoughts. The bluenette had noticed his fallen headband and picked it up, trying to push his bangs back into place.

"Why do you do that?" Daigo questioned his friend, who paused to look at him.
"Do what?"
"Your hair like that. You look much better with your hair down. Not that I'm insulting your regular look, but it's definitely on a better level."
Valt sighed. "Yeah everyone that sees my hair down says that. I just don't like it down I guess." Valt resumed his work, obviously sounding less cheerful than usual.

Daigo felt bad for upsetting Valt. "Sorry. Tough subject I assume?"

Valt nodded, finishing his hair.
"But it's cool. Not like it's anything super sad or depressing. But Daigo, that makes me ask. Why don't you like your hair down? We've seen it."

"Eh, I have my reasons. Also My bangs are too long."
"Then why not trim them?"
"Eh. I like my hair's length. It means taller spikes."
"Man I wish my hair was spiky like that!"

The two continued discussing the topic of hair with each other until lunch break ended. Though neither of them couldn't help but wonder: What made the other not like their own hair?

A Daigo story (Beyblade Burst)Where stories live. Discover now