He remainded quiet with his gaze fixed on my movements.

Silence enveloped around us but after a few minutes of watching me moving helter and skelter around the room, he decided to rebuke.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business."

With that words, I sealed the chain of my luggage.

"Rebecca is a real bitch."

She was my best friend, but understanding the gravity of the situation, I was not sorry to talk about my ex- best friend so rudely.

"It is impolite to blame her and call her names." He answered instantly in a condescending tone as if I was the person who committed the blunder.

"Douche, look at yourself defending her. I am so done with you."

I walked out of the door with my suitcase. He defended Rebecca, and considered her to be the victim of my verbal assault. Not for a moment, did he care to utter the word 'SORRY'. A feeling of worthlessness gushed over my body.

I turned back to check on him for the last time because my heart was still aching for him. His eyes displayed no signs of sadness.
Adam was a blonde-haired with high arched eyebrows, a pointed nose and with a pair of slender lips accompanying his glorious facial structure.

He was my true love and we promised to be together forever but he broke it.

"I hope you change your mind sometime soon." He crossed his arms over his chest as he presented his opinion to me.

"THE DIVORCE PAPER WILL BE SENT TO YOU SOON!" I announced openly in the air before walking out of his house and slammed back the door hard in frustration.

"At last, he has shed his skin and showed his real colours." Tears were streaming down my eyes as I trudged on the grey colour concrete pavement.

"I have nowhere to go."

I reminded myself and continued walking on the street as I began my state of vulnerability. A point came where I thought I should return back to him but the next moment I changed my mantra, "I am not weak and no one has the right to treat miserably."

Unexpectedly, an idea popped up in my head and I swore to myself.
"I can go to New York to start fresh. No more drama! No more bullshit!"

Catching a cab, I reached the station and used half of the money I had with me in order to pay the driver. Fortunately, I was able to make my way to platform at the correct time. The train ticket consumed the remaining of my penny, pushing me towards the immoderate boundary of pennilessness. Very soon, the train arrived at the platform. My new ride for life came by!

Boarding the train, I took my seat near a window in the compartment.

I was dependent on Adam financially and I was well aware about the fact that I had to work hard in order to earn money. Nevertheless, I wasn't the type of lady to back off.

It was, of course, a very big decision but it was, rather the most correct decision I have had ever made in my life. This lesson was important to be taught to him.

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