(Y/n):"This story starts way back.. back to when i was a child i guess? oh hey! i'm (Y/n) (L/n) the number 2 pro hero.. my friend deku beat me to it but i aint gonna lose! oh wait.. but the story doesn't start there! let's go back cause this is the story on how i overcame challenge after challenge!"

The story starts with (Y/n)'s childhood.. we can see a green haired boy defending another boy on the ground crying.. from three bullies.. 

Green haired boy:"Enough kacchan! yo-you already made him cry!"he put up a stance but he was trembling..

Kacchan:"So deku the quirkless wonder.. thinks he can play hero huh?" the three boys then launched their attack but was stopped when a fireball was thrown their way.. "And another useless one has arrived.. why are you here.. (Y/n)"

(Y/n):"Well you see.. three against one is pretty unfair right? Midoriya is alone so i'm here to even things out bakugo." 

(Y/n) used his quirk and boosted and tackled bakugo.. he then shocked the other guys making them run.. when (Y/n) stood up and turned around bakugo used his quirk explosion to deal damage to (Y/n) his attempt worked and (Y/n) was hurt.. deku then helped him up and bakugo just clicked his tongue and walked away

Bakugo:"This got boring." and he walked away.. (Y/n) and Midoriya helped the crying kid up and he thanked them both.. midoriya and (Y/n) were now heading home..

(Y/n):"You really are gutsy huh.. geez.. that explosion got me good.."

Midoriya:"I'm sorry (Y/n).."

(Y/n):"It's what friends are for right? so let's get strong together."

Midoriya:"but (Y/n) you're already strong! Your quirk hot shock-" he was about to go on those mumbling streaks but (Y/n) stopped him..

(Y/n):"no.. i'm not.. i can only boost myself and throw small fireballs using the flames.. only give people shock with electricity but that doesn't do damage just like one of those prank tools.. but i'm not giving up!"

Midoriya:"then.. so will i! let's become heroes together (Y/n)!"


they then laughed and deku went on to talk about all might (Y/n) just listened.. he already heard him explain and geek out about all might a bunch of times.. these two were as close as brothers.. to present time.. (Y/n) was walking with midoriya.. when they noticed a villain attack..

Midoriya:"Come on (Y/n)! it's a giant villain!"

(Y/n):"Yeah yeah.." 'Third year in middle school.. i'm 14 along with midoriya.. i plan on going to U.A. and so does he.. i hope we both get in.. but i know i can.. mom helped get strong.. i just need to get stronger..'

While (Y/n) was lost in his own world.. midoriya looked on with glistening eyes at the hero kamui woods who was fighting the monster villain.. he was about to deliver the finish blow but a lady with a gigantification quirk beat him to it.. (Y/n) looked at the new hero Mt. lady..

(Y/n):"She certainly has big assets." while she was getting interviewed midoriya went back to his notebook and wrote about her quirk..

Midoriya:"gigantification huh? it surely is a common quirk but it's pretty powerful.." he continued to mumble the man next us saw this..

Man:"You two plan on becoming heroes? Well good luck to the both of you!"


Midoriya:"I'll do my best!"

We made our way to school.. our teacher was at the front..

Teacher:"You guys are all third years now. It's about time to start thinking about your futures! I would hand all these future career forms but.."he then threw it in the air "But i know all of you want to become heroes!" everyone activated their quirks..

My Hero Academia X Male RealerWhere stories live. Discover now