Chapter 1

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Frank Iero

"Are you sure you're ready?" My mom asked me. "We can always tell Mr. Polini that you don't want to do it anymore-"

"Mom." I cut her off. "I'll be fine. You can call me on my phone everyday to check up on me if you want to."

It's been two weeks since Mr. Polini told me I was allegeable to go to this program in NYC. My dad decided he needed to "work overtime" today.

"Okay. I can't believe my baby's going to college!"

"Mom! It's not really collage. It's a one year program where I can get a head start in music before I really do go to college."

The coach to NYC pulls up at the stop. I pull my mom into a hug before I pick up my guitar case, and suitcase full of my needed clothes. I put my guitar and suitcase into the compartment underneath the coach. I climbed onto the coach and sat towards the back. I sat down next to the window I took out my iPod and put my music on shuffle. I leaned back into the seat, engulfing myself into my world of music.

After about five minutes, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"What?" I said as I turned to face the person, taking out one of my earbuds.

"Is this seat taken?" The guy asked.

I shook my head.

He sat down in the seat and turned to me.

"I'm Ray Toro by the way." He said to me extending a hand for me to shake.

"Frank Iero." I said as I shook his hand.

"So, what's bringing you to NYC?"

"I was accepted in this music program at the college there."

"The one in Brooklyn?"


"I'm going there too."

Ray and I talked the rest of the way to the college. Turns out, he plays guitar too. Plus he has a great taste in music, considering he's wearing a Misfits shirt. Ray's a cool dude, but he's not my type. But I can tell we're going to be great friends.


I managed to close the door to my dorm when I got inside. since I was the only person in the room, I picked my bed first. I set my suitcase and guitar case on the bed to the right. I opened my suitcase and started throwing my clothes into the small dresser we were provided with. I started hanging my various posters on the wall when the door opened. I turned to see Ray walk into the room.

"Look who it is!" I said smiling.

"Good to see you too." He replied.

He laid his guitar case against the wall and set his suitcase on the bed. I finished putting the last poster on the wall and stood back to look at my finished masterpiece.

"Looks good." Ray said.

"Now it feels like home."

I took my shitty guitar out of it's case and sat on the bed strumming a bit to re-tune the instrument. I started strumming a few cords and melodies I made up a while ago from my many times of ditching detention and many classes.

"You're really good." I heard Ray say, me completely forgetting I have a roommate now.

He took out his guitar-which is way nicer and newer than mine-and started playing along with me.

"What do you call that?" He asked when we finished.

"I really don't know, but I was thinking of calling it Bulletproof Heart. I just need to modernise it a little, add some guitar solos, drums and vocals and it could be a hit!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Ray yelled.

The door opened to reveal a woman. Not much taller than me.

"Mr. Toro, Mr. Iero, you have an orientation about this program in ten minutes. The meeting will take place in cafeteria C, right next door."

And she just left.

We shrugged and put our guitars back in their cases. I pulled my phone off my charger and slipped it in my pocket.

Ray and I walked into the cafeteria together. We were one of the last people in the cafeteria before the orientation started. We sat down at one of the last empty tables when the orientation started.

"Welcome!" The man in front of the podium said. "Welcome to the University of New York, in Brooklyn for our unique music program for all you successful musicians who are willing to dedicate their lives to nothing else but music. Rather you play an instrument, or you sing . . ."

I zoned out not bothering to listen to whatever the guy was saying. I started looking around the room to look at whoever might cut in Ray and I's group.

I was looking towards the front when my eyes landed on a boy. He had vibrant red hair that almost reaches his shoulders. I could tell he wasn't paying attention to the professor either, but he was looking at him like he was listening. He glanced over towards my direction and looked at me. We locked eyes for a few seconds before I turn away blushing.

"I saw that." Ray whispered.

"Yea? So?" I turned to look at the mystery boy.

"Stay away from Gerard. He's nothing but bad news. I don't get why my music director picked him."

"Oh." I remained looking at him when he leaned back and whispered into the boy next to him. He had hair similar to "Gerard's", but it was shorter and it was blonde that had natural brown underneath it. "Who's that then?"

"That's his brother, Mikey. He's okay. Amazing bassist though."

At least He isn't taken . . . as far as I know.

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