Even though Emma's surgery was successful, she was in the Intensive Care Unit and had not woken up yet. It had been more than thirty-six hours.
I didn't leave her side even for a second. I lost track of time, day or night, it didn't matter. All that mattered was her waking up, and I was counting every passing second in the hope that she will open her eyes soon.

"Jake don't beat yourself up. You couldn't have known." Niki said as she tried to comfort me. She had been here throughout as well, especially supporting her parents in and out of the hospital.

"It's my fault, Niki. I should have seen it coming. Emma had to go through all this because of me. She paid the price of staying close to me. She didn't deserve this."

"It's not your fault, it was that bitch's fault, and she is now under arrest. Emma's surgery was successful. I know she will wake up soon. She is a strong woman. She has to come back for us, she will."

"I know she will. I just cannot bear to see her like this." I raked hands in my hair and let out a helpless sigh.

"None of us can. You have always protected her Jake. Just stop thinking now. Go home, take a shower and get some sleep. I am taking her parents home too. They need to rest, as well. I will be back early morning."

"Yes, please take care of them. Don't worry, I am here." She sighed and gave up. She put her hand on my shoulder gesturing me that she would now leave and I nodded back.

It was wee hours of the morning, that's when I heard footsteps in the otherwise silent corridors of the hospital. I looked up to see who it was, and I just could not hold it anymore.


"Jake, my son. How's Emma? How's she doing?" She hugged me as soon as she approached me.

"She is out of danger, mom, but she is still unconscious." I struggled to get those words out as the tears built in my eyes ever since I saw her, just broke loose. I hugged my mom and let it all out.

"It's fine baby. It will get better." She caressed my back as she sat down next to me. I partly lied down in her laps and poured all my pain and suffering out.

I was feeling so lost.

"I won't survive a day if anything happens to her ma. She stood with me through everything.... she never...ever cared about herself.......
She... she knew she was in danger, but she still stayed, and I let her down.." My voice got hoarse as countless tears kept crawling down my cheeks.

"Shhh... Calm down, baby. She will wake up. She will get better son. I know it." Her voice was cracking, and her breathing became uneven too.

"How did I let it happen, mom? How will I live with myself?"

"Sometimes, things are beyond our control son. Don't walk down that road. It's a dark place to be. You saved her. Worse could have happened, but she is out of danger now, all because you found her in time." Mom tried to console me, and suddenly I felt a tear fall on my forehead. She was crying too.

I got up and cupped her face, "Mom?"

"I could not stop your dad from getting in that ill-fated car. I live with this guilt every single day of my life. It weighs me down more than anyone can know, and I feel I can never be at peace again."

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